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Cheer me up!

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The only other 'funny' I remember is the line "nothing succeeds like a budgie with no teeth". I am now reduced to tears of laughter and appear to be the only person on the planet who finds this remotely funny. Meetings at work can be difficult as, if the word 'succeed' crops up in conversation I am invariably reduced to silent laughing :oops:


Thank you! I thought I was the only one who got the giggles over the word succeed after hearing that joke!!


Phew! I am not alone :D

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:lol: Gosh, what have I missed?! Emma - a big hug from me.


Lesley - where DID you find those hunks???? Suppose we're lucky not to have got a photo of either Dan or Carl in their Speedos! :roll:


I nearly lost my rag this morning when the kitten jumped on my head at 5.30am - he's not allowed up the top of the bed, but wouldn't leave me alone. When I went downstairs to see what he was on about, he had a little live fieldmouse (Awwww). I caught him (the mouse that is) and put my wellies on to traipse outside in the pouring rain to put him somewhere safe - not the best start to the day :roll: Oh, and our side passageway was flooded, so I had to get a broom and sweep all the water out. I feel like I need to go back to bed now. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

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