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Has anyone told ShaunW that his other half is on a chicken mission :lol: ?


shhhhhh :anxious: I don't want him to find this thread :oops::lol: .


BUSTED :roll:

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!


I guess its you on the naughty step tonight....and anyone who encourages her can join her on it..........


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Has anyone told ShaunW that his other half is on a chicken mission :lol: ?


shhhhhh :anxious: I don't want him to find this thread :oops::lol: .


BUSTED :roll:

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!


I guess its you on the naughty step tonight....and anyone who encourages her can join her on it..........



oops :oops: , I was just thinking out loud sweetie honest :angel::lol: .

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It must be nice to know there are chicken folk around you should you need anything- they might be able to help- even board them for you if you are away?


I get the feeling they are a bit more practical about chicken matters; rather than being omleteer style chicken keepers!

However, I'm really luck with a neighbour who loves my girls to bits and is very happy to look after them when I'm away. :D

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hey Mostin, if you fancy a nice couple of barred wynedottes, you could pick them up on Saturday whilst ShaunW is busy working away in my garden. :lol:


:lol::lol::lol: , He's going to put me on a lead at this rate :lol: . No, I must be strong, my next spaces in the eglu now all the girls are going into the cube are reserved for ex-batts. I need to keep focussed on that :angel: .

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Ooh you naughty girls, if i wan't at a family 'do' on Saturday I'd be tagging along for a look!


Shaun, you came over all masterful there!


Now that your girls are all roosting together there's no reason not to introduce a few more. Goodness knows you have enough room in the garden. :twisted: Oops that's me on the naughty step :oops:







Anyone want to join in a sweepstake to guess how many chickens mostin will take home?

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I think 3 - rounding it up to 10 altogether :shock::lol:


You lot are terrible :shameonu::shameonu::shameonu::shameonu:


I agree with chickvic we should get 3 more............



But those poor girls we intend to get from the BHWT will not be happy if there is no home for them anymore becasue you all gave it away to some random chickens some guy who "is not an omleteer" is selling for profit....


I WANT SOME MORE PRISSY TYPE CHICKENS NEXT and i think its my choice now is it not.....lol

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how far did you travel then to get your girls?


to Henley for my first 2, last year. And to Devon for my Pekins. So quite a long way.


there are closer places, such as Cotswold Chickens, but that's still over an hour away and they only do hybrids. I like purebreeds :drool:

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