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Dangers of laying near a broody hen (Photos)

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What happens when you need to lay, but there is a broody chicken on your nest that is twice your size?


Well, unfortunately you risk being treated like an egg... :






When I opened the egg port I couldn't see poor Saffy at all - then her head popped up from underneath Pootle. I'm surprised she could breathe!



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:lol: A couple of weeks ago I thought I'd lost one of my chooks - I couldn't see her in the run when I checked first thing, she wasn't in the house, I even went as far as checking around the garden to see if she'd been shut out the night before :o It wasn't until I checked the house a second time that her head popped up from under Elsie, who'd been sitting on her in the nest box ! :lol:
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I think that is happening here. The big girls just whinge because Cheyenne is in the nesting box for quite some time - then they just give up and go in. They don't take as long as they normally do, so it must be a quick stop 'n drop session.

So I must have a broody hen then. I was told that the Buff's were quite broody and the breeder said that the other girls mums weren't (hopefully my other two won't be either!). I did have my suspicions, so checked on the sticky first - your photo's certainly helped!

One covered freezer block coming up then. :roll:

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