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Chicken dropped in from the sky

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In a quandry at the moment. My friend rescued Alice the chicken when a bird of prey dropped her :shock: and is now recovering nicely

She thinks she looks a bit like a young old English pheasant fowl which is a light breed http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGK/OEPheasFowl/BRKOEPheas.html

She needs a temporary and/or permament home

the question is

a) would she integrate with 3 hybrids without injury :?

b) would OH accept a 4th chicken :roll::lol:

c) it is slightly dodgey as she is from a meat producing farm but my vegan friend would not return her to be possibly turned into food :shock::?

d) maybe she could be a "he" if still fairly young :shock:


Just have to share as OH is :roll: when I mention and will be in trouble if email my friend too much about her :oops::lol:

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a) would she integrate with 3 hybrids without injury :?

Quite possibly, yes. :D


b) would OH accept a 4th chicken :roll::lol:

Why not? It's only one more. :wink:


c) it is slightly dodgey as she is from a meat producing farm but my vegan friend would not return her to be possibly turned into food :shock::?

They won't miss one chicken.


d) maybe she could be a "he" if still fairly young :shock:

Someone to keep your girls in check then! :D


Go for it! :D

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What a gorgeous girl she is. If it was me I'd take her in, but then I don't have your OH to convince :roll:


Graham is forever encouraging people to go for it - I'd have EVEN MORE birds if I listened to him :roll:


Wait until you go there next week and see what OH thinks. She deserves a good home after that lucky escape form the jaws of death; she must have her own little angel watching over her.

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Obviously fate :D:wink:

She was apparently very small, young, and a light breed. I wondered if she was a bantam at first, the text message said she looked like a rare breed and was small but there seemed to be some doubt about whether she was a chicken. :?


It's just whether T&S/Katy would beat the poor thing up :roll: The eglu and extension should fit 4-especially a little one :roll:

We could try and always rehome if she is not going to be happy though....:D


maybe a surprise present for OH could be in order, although I don't think she would put up with wrapping paper for long :wink:

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If the chook does turn out to be an Arthur rather than a Martha, then there would always be someone willing to take on a rare breed cockerel like that. the pekinbantams.com forum often has people selling rare breed birds that have turned out to be boys. Breeders are often looking for 'unrelated' males to breed from.


Being able to get a positive ID would help you/OH decide what to do. See if you can get some pictures; post them here, on the RC forum, P P forum and pekins forum and see what people think - there are some real experts out there.


I am registered on the pekin bantams forum if you want me to ask for you.


I am intrigued now....

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