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Anyone else old enough to remember Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band - Hollywood Nights was a fab album :D


indeed Clare... :wink:


Hot pants in the corn fields

When the woods got heavy.


I'm sure you can spot that one....



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The girl nextdoor used to sing


........... weigh a pie :wink:


A well known song - who knows the first part of the sentence?


somewhere over the wainbow???



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Ok, as some have confessed to 'cheating' I will too - when I 'guessed' correctly on page 1 my other half was reading over my shoulder - he's a DJ!

Humblest apologies - he's loving this thread but I stopped posting in case you all thought I was being a smart a***e.....which he obviously is!

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let him post - I don't care who's looking up what where or consulting partners or phoning a friend - it doesn't make it less entertaining....


back to where this started - I played Hendrix on the way home (loud as it should be) from school with my ten year old...


she wasn't impressed with Purple Haze (though she was delighted to pick up the "scuse me while I kiss this guy") - and certainly wasn't impressed by the Star Spangled Banner,


but she did like all along the watchtower - and got me to put it on her MP3 player... I'll convert her yet.


now... where to get some pschedelic drugs at this time of night...


Phil :wink:

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* Had never heard of that word before. What is the origin? (I couldn't find it on Wikipedia but you do see it if you Google).


this is how wikipaedia describes it - it's the generally accepted story...


The word "mondegreen" is itself a mondegreen. The American writer Sylvia Wright coined it in an essay "The Death of Lady Mondegreen", which was published in Harper's Magazine in Nov. 1954.[1] She wrote:


When I was a child, my mother used to read aloud to me from Percy's Reliques. One of my favorite poems began, as I remember:


Ye Highlands and ye Lowlands,

Oh, where hae ye been?

They hae slain the Earl Amurray, [sic]

And Lady Mondegreen.


The actual line is "And laid him on the green", from the anonymous 17th century ballad "The Bonnie Earl O' Murray". Wright gives other examples of what she says, "I shall hereafter call mondegreens," such as:


* Surely/Shirley, Good Mrs. Murphy shall follow me all the days of my life ("Surely goodness and mercy…" from Psalm 23)


* the "wild, strange battle cry Haffely, Gaffely, Gaffely, Gonward." ("Half a league, half a league,/ Half a league onward," from "The Charge of the Light Brigade")


The columnist Jon Carroll of the San Francisco Chronicle has long been a popularizer of the term and a collector of mondegreens. He may have been the chief link between Wright's work and the general popularity of the notion today.


While mondegreens are a common occurrence for children, many adults have their own collection, particularly with regard to popular music.




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iPod comes out of the car and goes straight into the dock connected to the kitchen / conservatory HiFi and it's playing "The Village Green Preservation Society" by the Kinks.


Talking of vinyl i have the village green album with fold out cover....


God save tudor houses, antique tables and billiards..

.do do de do do do do do do do do do do do dooooooooo oooo ooooo


:lol: bloomin fantastic :dance:

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