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Cate in NZ

Happy Halloween

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I was sent a halloween pic (wasn't I Kate?) but it's too rude to post here - suffice to say that it's of a pumpkin painted on a large lady's botty :lol::lol:8)


Yes..I thought I'd thrown that one away but someone managed to get hold of it I see :oops:


On the same theme..here's something I did earlier while I had a few spare mins....



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Sorry to be a misery guts, but this trick or treating business is a pain in the proverbial.


Its not even culturally British.


Don't mind carved pumpkins and a few witches and warlocks. I have a mad and delightful friend who is a white witch and life wouldn't be the same without her, but drunken adolescents with dracula teeth and green hair knocking on your door at 11.45 pm (as happened to us last year) just doesn't do it for me.

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I have a rule never to answer the door on halloween night - they don't enter into the spirit round here - unless you give them money, they play nasty tricks like letting your car tyres down or emptying your dustbin :twisted: They don't appreciate homemade cookies or stuff like that.


That is :shock::shock::shock: I am always ready with a bowl of sweets just in case but got "Ooops, word censored!"ody last year :roll:

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Yeah, we had several sullen teenagers who left in disgust, empty handed, when I refused to get my purse out, and had the cheek to offer sweets instead last year. :?:? Cheeky......

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I've heard tales of demanding teenagers before, and now that my 2 are teens I won't let them trick or treat any more, but I do let them have a few friends round for pizzas, dvds and chocolate fountain on Halloween, although that'll have to be reviewed this year since they'll be back at school on the 31st :( .

Generally though we only have the youngsters knocking on the door and they're always (so far at any rate) happy with sweets. Mind, that might be because I have most of the local teenagers locked up in our house :wink::lol::lol::lol:

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Last year my son made a big sign to go on the front door. It said that only primary school kids could knockbut they would be welcome. On the reverse we wrote something like 'Sorry - run out of goodies - try again a little earlier next year! It worked BRILLIANTLY and we had no teenagers and noone knocking once we'd turned it round. Although, we did hear them reading the sign out loud!

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