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Well, for the last couple of days I've been smelling a mild gas smell at my front door, on and off, so never bothered with it. Tonight the smell was stronger so phoned Transco and the wee man came out and made lots of holes and stuck his thingy in them. Now, a whole team have arrived and are digging up my front garden - at twenty to one in the morning!

Everyones very twitchy here about gas because a few years ago a family (whom I knew) were killed when their house blew up, and its had quite an effect on the community.

Its going to be a late night - and a cold morning with no heating!

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feemcg says

the wee man came out and made lots of holes and stuck his thingy in them


Will be carrying a hideous image around in my head today, feemcg.


Glad you called him out.


We once thought we could smell gas near the gate. After about a fortnight of mumbling about it, we called Transco.


Next thing you know, half a mile of pavement is up. Pedestrians were diverted to the other side of the road. We weren't allowed to move our cars for a couple of hours in case the ignition sparked an explosion and it turns out there was a fractured main with a massive leak. We were sitting on the proverbial time bomb.

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We had a similar thing happen Fee. It's scary, isn't it. I'd been complaining that I could smell gas for weeks in the outside porch near our front door where the meter cupboard is. Everyone else had laughed at me and said they couldn't until they realised they could! We got the gas man out and there was a leak in the pipe leading to the meter cupboard! It was all put right while the gas man was here but it's definitely a worrying thing to happen. Hope all's well now there for you. Best of luck!

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Morning everyone. They had finished digging the hole by about 3 and cut and capped the pipe - there was an obvious hole in the pipe they said. So they've just arrived back and are about to start work replacing the pipework and putting my meter outside - in my street all the meters are still in a cupboard under the stairs. So I'll be the first with a hideous white box at the front - but i'm trying to talk them into putting it at the side!

Since the tragic explosion a few years ago Transco have been working to replace all the pipework here but it could have been years before they got to me - so in a way I'm glad it happened because at least I'll be 'done'.

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I asked about colours, Lesley and he says they're white - which would match the pvc windows, gutters etc. but its going against reddish/brown brick so not sure. I also see theres a manky second-hand looking white one lying in my garden at the moment so they needn't think they're using that!

Also I have continuous wood flooring throughout my ground floor and tiles in the bathroom and kitchen (no hatch!) so the hall floor may need to come up!

Transco have been very efficient so far Clare - I think because of all the bad press and the court case recently they're on their toes.

It was a terrible tragedy when the Findlays died and they were well known - the children at primary and high school and the chap a local builder (my dad had been working with him that day).

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Just been confirmed the hall floor has to come up so I need to wait for the joiner now to do his bit - which might be tomorrow - then the inside gas guys will come back to reroute the meter outside. Meanwhile Transco are still down the hole in the front garden replacing the pipe out towards the pavement!

And if anyones seen my post in Clinic, I was hoping to get to a vet today as I'm fairly sure 3 of the girls have symptoms of Mycoplasma (although the swelling round Beauty's eye is down a bit and not so watery) and I thought I'd be as well getting antibiotics for them all. I don't think I'll get out today now but I suppose the gas is more important.

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Oh you poor thing. That's the Larkhill explosion isn't it? That was a terrible tragedy, I was doing some research on it for work, but it must have terifying when you realised that there was a problem, with that having been so close to home and to your family. I hope you and yours are ok.

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Yes auntye, I'm in Larkhall. I always worry I've made a fuss about nothing but now that I can just about see Kangaroos, the holes that big, I guess I did the right thing!

I've made a vet appoinment too, for 4 o'clock - hopefully the workmen won't need in while I'm out. I'll take Beauty and hopefully get antibiotics, either for the 3 with symptoms or maybe them all - I'll see what she thinks.

Thank goodness I'm not working today - but I do have wee Anna off school (in-service) so I'll need to take her too!

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I asked about colours, Lesley and he says they're white - which would match the pvc windows, gutters etc. but its going against reddish/brown brick so not sure. I also see theres a manky second-hand looking white one lying in my garden at the moment so they needn't think they're using that!


I've got a brown one, sunk into the ground with just part of it and a sloping lid on view. Most meter readers cannot spot it and ask to come in to read the meter :roll:


Hope everything is sorted for you now, must have been terribly worrying when you could first smell the gas.

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Just got back from the vets - with baytril for 3 of them - so thats good. The 2 big holes outside the front door are all filled in and the red chips back in place so thats looking quite tidy and I have a white meter box on a side wall ready to be connected up tomorrow when they come and take my hall floor up!

What a day!

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