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The Weather Thread # 4

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Very heavy rain in the night and a change of direction too - earlier it was on the front, but by 3 this morning it was hammering on the back and sounding like someone was in the shower. Had it been light enough it would probably have shown up to be stair rods.

When I got up though it was all dry - even the paths. The walk down to the girls was soggy at the bottom level of grass, although their run is dry. We have had bright sunshine too. Short lived because we had another sessionof rain and the blue sky has gone. :(

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Half of Co Galway is under water, as is Co Cork and it's still raining.

We have a cat slide roof on the cottage, the problem is when it rains really hard the gutter fills very fast. This is not normally a problem, but when the wind blows at 60 mph from west nor west, it blows the water up under the tiles and into the cavity wall. We now have a damp patch on the wall just where the down pipe is. The exterior silcone sealant is at the ready, I just need it to stop raining, so I can seal it up.

Minor really when you consider the people in the rest of the country who've been flooded out and had their fixture and fittings destroyed.

The long range forecast says it's going to be Friday before there's any change. I for one hope they've got it wrong.

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After dubious weather this morning while cleanign out the animals, it brightened, so I set off for a walk with the houndling; stopped off at a friends on the way - she lives on top of a hill and it was decidedly parky up there.... during the walk, it actually sleeted! :shock: The wind was very cold, but it was a good bracing walk. Dog came back dripping mud as usual.

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