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The Weather Thread # 4

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Heavy rain during the night and the wind picked up again. Today has been lovely for the most part, but heavy downpour at lunchtime - I missed it because I was on the M3 and we only had a little spit. Then nice for the rest of the day. Clouds were gathering this evening and the moon looked a bit hazy last time I looked.

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I was woken up yesterday morning by torrential rain, then by the time the children went out it was clear and cold. It went on like this all day clear skies sunshine for a while then deluge :roll:


It is lovely here this morning, I spent the first couple of hours cleaning out chooks and cutting wood. It is sunny very little wind and lovely and fresh. :D

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Apparently dry here yesterday. We followed a storm up to the show, caught up with it at Oxford - or what was left of it, just a little rain. Then journey home was mostly dry - just a little shower in one section. Yesterday evening the rain was hammering on the windows - Fred Astaire tapdancing all over them he was!

This morning still rain, some heavy, sun trying to get through at times, but at the moment it's very dark.

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Bitterly cold here with a raw wind blowing. Dark grey skies all day. Rain, hailstones and sleet earlier.


and just up the road we have snow - it was white this morning and it has been on and off all day - grey and miserable - the hens have gone to bed with a warm soaked bread and warm sweetcorn with flubenvet as one of them looked a bit runny poo this morning!, Brrr its cold

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Bitterly cold here with a raw wind blowing. Dark grey skies all day. Rain, hailstones and sleet earlier.


and just up the road we have snow - it was white this morning and it has been on and off all day - grey and miserable - the hens have gone to bed with a warm soaked bread and warm sweetcorn with flubenvet as one of them looked a bit runny poo this morning!, Brrr its cold


We had a little snow in the late afternoon. Only for 10 minutes or so and it was the wet sort that didn't settle.

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Still raining hard here - bottom of garden is very boggy (except under the cube and that is nice and dry! Hear the chooks whinge. :roll: Also the wind has picked up and I heard 2 things crashing this morning - thought it was our swing chair again and something else nearer the house, but it's nothing in our garden that I can see. Someone else needs to rescue their bits. Strangely the recycling bins on sentry duty ready for emptying are still upright - thought they would be over. :?

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Very cold here this morning, thermometer says 4.2deg, but the wind chill is bringing it right down. :? The wind has shifetd to the north now and the town smells of roasting coffee - nice aroma, but always means that it will be freezing. Kraft Jacob Suchard has Europe's biggest coffee processing plant on the northern edge of Banbury. :roll:

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