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The Weather Thread # 4

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Rain overnight judging from the puddles out the back (front appears quite dryish - probably soaks away better). Very dark this morning - can see the rain clouds around us - closing in (feel like Custer), but it is bright overhead and the sun is just trying to rise up between the thin cloud in the east. Not cold at all.

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claret - did i read that it sleeted. please tell me that was not where you are as i am only just down the road. But i was in the land of nod so didnt notice.....


It was a beautiful crisp day yesterday when i had to be in the office. Cold but glorious blue skies. Today when I can see the weather more because I am working from home and want to pop and see the chickens its grey and miserable and wet...

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Just come back from Abingdon way - horrible journey home, arrived in time to see the girls had put themselves to bed before their tea - but they all rushed out for corn. In the meantime I am a drowned rat and I have only been to the end of the garden and back. Floods are appearing everywhere - the rain is soooo heavy. Luckily my neighbour was driving and we had a successful shop, but my goodness motorway visibility is next to none with all the spray. We could hardly hear ourselves because of the rain smashing down on the car - we are both croaking now! She has to take her daughter swimming, but decided against going out again in this awful stuff! We could just make out the windmill at Reading - it was that bad!

And now I have wet dripping down my back and its made my knickers wet too! :evil:

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Shame about the wet knickers Koojie :lol:


I think it's heading this way, I just noticed some very black clouds in that direction when I pulled my office blinds.


I'm all dry now, new trews and I've taken off my sweatshirt - the rain had penetrated my light jacket and gone through the layers! :shock: The hair is all frizzed too. :evil:

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We had rain overnight and first thing, but it had stopped by the time it got light.


There is a bitter wind here but I have been keeping warm with a log delivery, so I have been throwing and stacking logs and feel all fresh and glowing :D We hope that we have enough to last the winter now.


It is sunny and breezy now but there are dark clouds gathering and we are going late night shopping this evening :roll:

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