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The Good Life - part3

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Lesley all phenolic disinfectants are deadly poisonous to the cat family even diluted :shock:


They absorb it through the skin even the pads of their feet :shock:


Phenolic disinfectants all turn the water white so they are easy to work out which has phenol in it :lol::shock:


Ministry approved disinfectants as an alternative are:


Virkon (powder which turns water pink but has to be changed every couple of days as it goes off) When it goes off it smealls like stale bleach :vom:


Fam (iodine based) brown liquid to be diluted which will stain everything :roll:


Hyperox (peroxacetic acid) Great disinfectant but it is pure evil in its concentrated form you may struggle to find a farm supplier that sells it as the regs on transporting it are so strict. It is oxidising and very corrosive even when dilute you need a mask and goggles to mix it :shock:


none of them are nice are they :roll:

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:? - I don't think so - 8 years perhaps :roll:


but mine would not be assisted :D


I've had to go and check - the oldest mother is 67 :shock: but all the older ones had fertility treatment. They must be mad - I'm shattered from having Lauren all day as she was poorly, and Jake after school until 5.30

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Back to the farm............ :wink:


We had another phone call to ask if we wanted another 20 tons of scalpings - so now we have another monster sized pile of blackstuff :roll:


I'm hoping Matthew will come and spread it with the small digger - or my son will be kept very quiet for the next few weeks with a wheelbarrow and shovel :?:wink: After the day he's had repairing the roof of a new build house, he might not mind - he was so cold today that he couldn't feel his hands at all.


He watched all the new houses being built in the village and said last year, as they were nearing completion, "the first real wind we have will see all the roofs off" - he went to repair one today - and has ended up with 5 more jobs :roll: - I think they were queuing up at the foot of the scaffold :roll:

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We've got 2 of these - we were hoping they were hens - they're not are they :(:roll:





That means that all of Big Buffs eggs (she was sitting on eggs acquired from others!) were cockerels :shock:


We told Jake he could keep Doodle - the enormous Cuckoo Maran cockerel - but his crow is so loud :? We had to remove the little bantam - Bossy - as he is about three times bigger than her :? Than the hen that Lauren had chosen also appears to be a cockerel - and she's upset that we can't keep any more cockerels.


To top it all - Carl wants to keep one of theWelsummer cockerels - that means Jake's cockerel will have to go as well :(


They are all so beautiful :(


Here is a Welsummer with the Maran and the 'oddbod' one - they are both bigger than the big Buff Orpington. The little black one to the left is a hen :)



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No, not yet. They are in with others which have started crowing. Nothing happens to them until I've seen and heard them crow - just in case :?


The Welsummers haven't crowed yet - nor has Spangle (Lauren's 'hen')


The Welsummers are small - but then I remembered that Pearl probably had bantam Welsummers?

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The Welsummers have started crowing now :( - one will be moving to the holding pen where the cockerels have a different diet of two thirds mixed corn and one third pellets.


We are going to sort out some of the very manky cattle stalls today so that, should the need arise to keep all our layers covered, then we can move them into there. We have masks ready -and the Jeyes Fluid and the power washer and generator - I'd better get my trousers tucked into my socks then :roll:


We are not worried at all but it is a beautiful day today and I would rather work today than in a howling gale some other time. We are not able to cover the long runs that they are in at the moment so this seems to be the best option. We will also be able to move them if we get any more rain and the runs become impossible to walk in, and all the grass disappears.


The DEFRA vet was unconcerned when he visited us recently, and said he was happy for them to remain outside. We are registered with DEFRA even though we have only recently gone over the 50.


The cockerels would become dinners a bit more quickly than we anticipated if the situation changes :wink: - no-one is getting their hands on my dinner :D


We have just ordered our next lot of weaners. We found some near to where Kate lives so we will go and inflict our company on Kate before we pick them up :D


We were going to have an 'in pig' sow so that we could have our own tiny piglets but it is an expensive option and that will have to wait for next year :( We chose the English Lop as we want pink piglets, but have now chosen to have 2 English Lop at 10 weeks old instead and we will also have a couple of others - probably Oxford Sandy and Blacks again as they were such lovely pigs.


New pigs to arrive in April :D -and hopefully, lambs to be born on the farm in late May/early June :D

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We're in the same boat Christian - no chance of moving to anywhere with more land - but it's amazing how many chickens you can get in the back of a suburban garden - we started with four, now have nine plus 2 bantams and are going to get about 8 more ex batteries in the spring :wink: where there's a will there's a way :wink:

and, we get to go to AnniePs and admire her piggies and drink her wine :wink:

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