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The Good Life - part3

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* Psst.... do you think Martin will be cross with us for hi-jacking Lesley's thread again?*


I was reading through your comments, thinking "this is really off topic, I;m going to have to say something!"




Oi! - if there's any telling off to do, I can do it! :wink:


Everyone needs a good laugh - it's healthy 8) - although I'm not sure which I'd rather talk about? - weight?........ or manure?........ hmmmmmm..... :roll:


Trish - I should have fleece next year :D (not personally, no :roll: ) I think there are some rules to do with the Wool Marketing Board, I'll have to read about it, but then, aren't rules meant to be broken?.........


I'll be in trouble again now for leading the youth of this forum astray :roll:

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We had a really scary night during the gales on Saturday. We had numerous small power cuts between 1.30am and 4am and then lost power altogether until 1.30 on Sunday lunchtime. There were lots of bumps and bangs from outside and each time the power came back on, there were lots of bleeps from the PC's and telephone.


We had Lauren and Jake staying with us - they were upstairs, we were downstairs. Lauren was terrified at one point so we ended up putting mattresses on our bedroom floor and bringing Lauren and Jake to sleep downstairs.


The smallholding is on quite an exposed plot and the wind was full on.


As soon as it was daylight we ventured out to see what the damage was............ we think we escaped quite well. The metal dustbin was lodged in Jazz's Poo Corner, it was quite dented so had been flung around quite a bit, the pig ark had been trying to make an escape out onto the Fosse Way! and we had one tree down - it landed across the trampoline where Lauren, Jake, Claret's Rosie and Rosie's friend Sally had been playing just a few hours before!


All animals were present and correct - all Eglus still in place, I had imagined flying Eglus whilst lying in bed! We did wonder if we'd get any eggs yesterday!


Poor Herbie and Barnie! - Claret had brought them back on Saturday afternoon and we put them in with all the other small chicks. There was a bit of pecking to sort out the order but they were coping well, then they had a night like that to put up with.





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