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Church Wedding chat.....

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I was married in 1985 when we were both 22.


I got dressed in one of the almshouses next to the church (where my Godfather lived) and walked to church. We had a car to drive us to the reception but I have no idea what it was. I cried all the way through the service and the photos of us signing the registers show me with red, puffy eyes! :oops:


I had one bridesmaid whose sister made her dress. I said vaguely (doing teaching practice at the time!) that I wanted Shepherdess style, thinking flouncy layered skirt and puffy sleeves etc. What I got was an horrific A-line dress in blue flowers on a white background. What could I say? I should have found the time!


Our best man was a friend from university, who Lesley has met. He sings in a choir with Lesley's sister. It's a small world!


The choir was full of friends from university and conducted by another of our friends.


Our reception was in the church hall, which my mother had spent the morning decorating. We had 65 guests and a sit-down buffet with hired serving staff. We must have had music playing, but there was no entertainment as such.


My DH took his glasses OFF for his speech, so that he couldn't see anybody!


We left in a harvest gold mini which my father gave us a a present. It was pouring with torrential rain as we left with loud claps of thunder. All a bit scary when I only passed my test 2 days earlier and DH couldn't drive at all! As I pulled away, the wheels span and I sped off down the road. It was very embarrassing, especially when I found out that everyone thought I had done it deliberately. :oops:


We stayed overnight in Guildford and caught the train the next day to the Isle of Wight for our honeymoon. We both married overdrafts and had nowhere to live on our return and no jobs either! :oops: All a bit scary! But a very happy day.

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I can remember some of our wedding day... (that's blokes for you!)


It was conducted by both our dads - they are both Ministers (though my Dad has died now)


they shared the service between them...


we had three Bridesmaids (I think!) peach (I think!) - and Lythan's (that's the missus) friends who do fantastic welsh close-harmony sang during the signing of the registry.


My F-in-Law was REALLY nervous about his speech and he proceeded to make the day of all our younger friends (who were slightly merry by then anyway) by turning to me during his speech and saying..


"You know Phil, when Lythan was young we had a picnic on the beach. There was a family next to us, and she crawled over and stole the banana from their picnic. She ate it all right in front of them. So... at least you know her mouth is big enough for a banana...."


the entire table of friends nearly wet themselves laughing - and I don't think he realises why to this day..... :roll:


In the evening we had a barn-dance type thing in a marquee on the church grounds (my F-in-law's church) - it was really nice because the whole church congregation pitched in with catering, cake - the whole thing - as their gift to us..


My brother sang (he is a bit of a rock legend in South Wales with his bands - Livinsin and The Binmen - he's a psychiatric nurse) - he'd written a song specially for the occasion called "The whole world's gone mad" - a very depressive song about death, destruction and unhappiness - which really fitted the mood well!! (thanks Martin!!)


anyway - here's a pic of our fathers doing the wedding service... (Bamford Chapel in Rochdale)




it's nice to hear all your stories...



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OK, as threatened I've managed to dig out one of my pics.




We married on 5th April 1986, at Walshaw parish church in Bury (my home town). I had 3 bridesmaids, all adult my best friend Jacqui and my 2 sisters. Best man was hubby's friend Mark. Cars :? ........ haven't a clue, nothing special, white and had 4 wheels :roll::oops::oops:

Reception at the local golf course, with a sit down buffet (if that makes sense :? ) then music and dancing into the evening.

Honeymoon 2 weeks in Malta, not the best destination we soon discovered, but absolutely the best we could afford at the time.

21 years and 2 children later we're still here, still smiling, and still happy we did it :D:D:D

But I'll never fit into that dress again now............ still got it though, daughter dresses up in it occasionally :roll:

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I need to scan them in to the computer. Will do it tomorrow, promise !! :wink:


hubby would kill me if he knew, and he reads forum sometimes....but I dont think he would notice this thread .....hee hee :lol:


would he suit a little woolly hat??





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What lovely, lovely stories and photo's. I've enjopyed reading everybody's posts. There is something so magical about wedding days, and everybody looks so genuinely happy. I loved my wedding day so much. I'll go and see if I can fish out a photo and edit it into this post......


Phil - I really think you should stick to your day job. Graphic Artists the world over have nothing to fear, although I do think the tea cosy looks like it was there on the day :wink:


With my Dad on the way in...




With my husband on the way out...s1.jpg



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I need to scan them in to the computer. Will do it tomorrow, promise !! :wink:


hubby would kill me if he knew, and he reads forum sometimes....but I dont think he would notice this thread .....hee hee :lol:


would he suit a little woolly hat??






im thinking more "flat cap" (andy capp style) with a ferret and a fag :wink::lol:

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Honeymoon 2 weeks in Malta, not the best destination we soon discovered, but absolutely the best we could afford at the time.


We went here for half our honeymoon and loved it. We're not lie on the beach kind of people and there was just enough stuff to do there to keep us busy for a week.

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OK, confession time....

I've lost my wedding photos (well, they're buried in the loft somewhere!) :roll:


Ignore previous post about church wedding - that was a previous wedding, only lasted 18 months :oops::roll:


The REAL wedding took place in 1991 at Lancaster Register Office. I had a week to plan it, but still managed a (toilet roll doll style) dress, 2 bridesmaids (my nieces in charity shop dresses, 1 lilac and 1 cream with peach bows removed and lilac bows added), a lunch for 10 at the local Beefeater (buy 1 meal, get 1 free), then 1 night in the travelodge for the honeymoon. Cost about £300 altogether! It was November, freezing cold and miserable. But we had a great day, and 15 years and 3 kids later think we must have done something right at last!! 8)

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You should definatly get a medal for planning a whole wedding in a week Snowey. :shock: and it's not all about where or how you do it but rather 'who' you marry at the end of the day. It's nice to have the special in your life people around you, however you get married.


I take it you all didn't have two dinners each though :wink:

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You should definatly get a medal for planning a whole wedding in a week Snowey. :shock: and it's not all about where or how you do it but rather 'who' you marry at the end of the day. It's nice to have the special in your life people around you, however you get married.


I take it you all didn't have two dinners each though :wink:


:lol::lol: And I didn't have time to suffer any pre-wedding nerves!

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Lovely photos all.............. at least until Phil gets hold of them :roll::wink:


I've also steered clear of this thread - we could be here all day!!!


Which wedding would you like? 1, 2 or 3 ?


A 1971, a 1981 or a 1997 ? - Stratford Registry Office 1, Stratford Registry Office 2 or Alderminster Church (with a special dispensation from the Bishop)


Don't worry - I won't inflict all that on you :lol::lol::lol: except that 1971 I was wearing a mini skirt - and I travelled in my uncle's car as my father wasn't speaking to me :? (nothing to do with the skirt :roll: )

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