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What a big boy!

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OW! I can imagine that - literally like giving birth to a water melon! Bet her arms ache now.


Reminds me of something an old boy told me when Rosie was a baby - I was carrying her (which was no mean feat) and he told me that when they're that age they make your arms ache, and when they're grown up, they make your heart ache - how true...

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When I worked as a midwife the biggest baby I delivered was 11 1/2 lbs. She was a 'normal' delivery, didn't look fat - just big! Her name was Louise and I have a photo somewhere of me holding her - wish i could find it. Her mum was very tall - 6feet I think - and I found quite often tall mums had bigger babies. Thank goodness I'm only 5'2!

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When I worked as a midwife the biggest baby I delivered was 11 1/2 lbs. She was a 'normal' delivery, didn't look fat - just big! Her name was Louise and I have a photo somewhere of me holding her - wish i could find it. Her mum was very tall - 6feet I think - and I found quite often tall mums had bigger babies. Thank goodness I'm only 5'2!


Could be something in that. I'm 5 11 and my first was 9lb 14.

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I note that this baby is not her first large baby. Sure to be gestational diabetes, I guess.


I'm 5'8" and the first was 7'6oz, the twins were 6'1oz and 4'8oz. The twins to 34 weeks were well on their way to 7' plus full term, which is no mean feat for twins in a 37 yo mother. Little Abigail stopped growing at 34 weeks (I now believe she was just not getting enough to eat - not a fault, just that she's got a metabolism like a combine harvester) so I was induced at 37 weeks. Abi drank 20 mls of milk half an hour after she was born, and is now quite capable of eating the same as the average 4 yo (she's three), and the same height, although much lighter framed, than her twin sister.


I know someone who had a 14lb baby, but his dad was 6'4''.

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