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I was watching TV last night when the new KFC advert came on & it made me really cross.

It is advertising their "Mums night off" meal deal & hilights the fact that the plates & everything are disposable.

But,the final shot is of a little girl holding all the plates,bucket etc, & putting them in the bin




KFC is bad enough as it is, but this advertising is just plain irresponsible



I feel an email coming on.............................

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I can't get hold of a customer service email address for them ,but I do have a care line number (08457 532532) which I am going to phone later.


It make me so cross.

As if encouraging people to eat junk in the first place is not bad enough,they are also not encouraging them to recylcle their waste :roll:

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Mum's night off!!


Is it really easier to go out in the car , queue, and drive home again with fifth rate mass produced food which is in all probability full of chemicals ...I would imagine taking half an hour......than to put some organic free range chicken breasts in the oven or under the grill, whack a jacket potato in the microwave and whizz up some coleslaw or a salad.


The road miles for the second option exist I admit, but are diluted as other shopping will have been done at the same time in all probability.


And all that packaging...ARRRRGH!


Not my idea of a night off at all. And I resent the sexual stereotyping....Dad can just as easily be the one who cooks in the family.


Oh yes.....and even though the organic free range chicken breasts may be more expensive than supermarket bargain ranges, they will still be cheaper than a mega bargain bucket full of yuk.

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Haven't seen the ad but there is a feedback form on the kfc.com site




This is the one for international consumer feedback - there is a separate US one. It seems mainly for restaurant feedback but there is a space for comments. Even if you get through to the careline might be worth doing this as well.


Good luck!

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Apparently I am too young to give feedback :evil:


It hasn't asked me for my age either I click and it goes to the page and then immediately to the too young message :roll:


I would have theought that by 35 I would be old enough but apparently not :lol: Anyone else having this problem :?

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The phone line seems to be permenantly engaged :roll::roll::roll:


I did leave the consumer feedbackthough,so thanks for that link :D


Just to clarify,we NEVER eat KFC either - its total muck.

Unlike my brother-in-law (the stupidest man in the UK) who thinks it is wonderful food & would rather go there than to a "proper" reasturaunt,because "at least yoU know what you are eating" :roll:


We wound him up (easy to do) the other day when he said KFC was excellent - I said that yes,I agree,it is EXCREMENT :lol::lol::lol:

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I have to admit a failure here :oops:


My son, brought up as a vegetarian but left to choose for himself as he grew up - came to collect Jazz from the Omlet get-together last summer.


He doesn't know Banbury very well and he was hungry. In front of all these like-minded people, and Jane from BHWT, he asked Clare if there was a KFC in Banbury :shock::oops:


He still can't believe it himself :lol:

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I have to admit a failure here :oops:


My son, brought up as a vegetarian but left to choose for himself as he grew up - came to collect Jazz from the Omlet get-together last summer.


He doesn't know Banbury very well and he was hungry. In front of all these like-minded people, and Jane from BHWT, he asked Clare if there was a KFC in Banbury :shock::oops:


He still can't believe it himself :lol:


I remember that! :lol::lol::lol:

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That advert is disgusting :evil: why oh why do they put these adverts on tv when we are battling with child obesity :twisted:


Mentioning obesity - have you seen the advert about the pensions crisis?


It shows a very overweight child eating chips and the strap line underneath reads

'The obese child dies at age 53 so the pensions crisis disappears'


V thought provoking!

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The advert is disgusting for more reasons than those connected with food.


It is just so antiquated in it's stereotyping. It is like the Janet and John books of old when Mummies stayed at home and cleaned the house, little girls played house and Daddies were strong and silent and went to work wearing a trilby and boys played with Meccano.


And most unacceptable is the sight of the child FILLING a bin with the packaging from the meal, with no thought of recycling anything.


I mean...its got to be a joke...hasn't it?

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