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new beginnings

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Thanks Sheila you prompted me to post :D


This friday I'm off to start my Life Coach Training. :D Really excited and of course a bit nervous. :wink: I don't like going away on my own much, don't like leaving Mikey and daisie, or the kits and chooks.




I'm working on my goals and Curly Martin has just called. Now I am excited, meet delgates on friday for a meal. Up early (no change then) and start to identify what I want to do in all areas of my life and by sunday I'll have a firm direction and goals set. :D:D


Got to complete my goals tomorrow and then I'm ready to go :wink:


Just wanted to share this moment 8)



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I am trying to fit as many references to having more hens as possible in my goals and aims!! I am going to clean the girls out and work on this again later.


I need to decide how much money I want to earn and how else I want to change my life :shock::wink:


Any ideas :?:D



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