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The Dogmother

Biscuit is a sweetie

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Lovely pics Clare, and Biscuit looks gorgeous. Can't help suspecting that he's taking up more than his fair share of the bed though, the way he's stretched out there. Typical male :shock::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Rosie looks as beautiful as ever :D . I love the tiara 8)

Did she enjoy her birthday? And did you actually get any sleep with the sleepover going on :?:roll::wink:

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He almost always lies stretched out like that, a sort of superman pose!


Rosie loved her party and none of us got much sleep Kate - there's a story on my blog (see www in my signature)


Thanks Caroline - she's a good un :D


It's uncanny looking at photos of me at the same age, except that I was darker (skin and hair) we are almost identical. :?

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Aaaah, what a cutie Biscuit is! Tigger curls round feet at night as well, and he really does take up half the bed! He used to be banished to his basket in the hall, but since he was ill I'm too much of a softie to move him out, so he's making the most of it!

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Ahhh aren't they lovely. I daren't show Layla those photos as she is always trying to tempt our cat, Lucy, to sleep with her. Unfortunately Lucy prefers our bed...and she loves licking feet, hands, or any bit of skin she can find (yuck).


Its not difficult to tell that Rosie is your daughter, Clare (from the pics I have seen). Layla and I are also alike - Mike calls her a 'miniature Mummy'.

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Good grief - worse than ever! He was terribly ill and nearly died a few weeks back, and has been put on a special diet now, which has the most unfortunate side-effect of making him smellier than ever! Bless him though, even he moves out the way once he's done a 'silent but violent' nowadays! :vom::vom::lol: I do love the smelly old parper!

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Good grief - worse than ever! He was terribly ill and nearly died a few weeks back, and has been put on a special diet now, which has the most unfortunate side-effect of making him smellier than ever! Bless him though, even he moves out the way once he's done a 'silent but violent' nowadays! :vom::vom::lol: I do love the smelly old parper!


Ahhh :D silent but violent :shock::lol:

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