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Vox Blog

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I have recently switched from my old Blog site to VOX (quickly followed by Martin!), & I just wanted to tell anyone else who Blogs what a great site this is.


There are quite a few of us Eglu owners on there now,& the site is really easy to navigate,post on & load photos on to.

Its well worth trying out if you already Blog, or if you are just wanting to give it a go



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Lesley,yours would be just fantastic :P


Its really easy to set up, you just need to find the time to write the blogs really (which might be hard with you being so busy!)


I find I can write in endless detail about chickens and EVERY small but amusing thing they do. Probably is quite a niche audience :oops:

I find it's the photos-editing/uploading/adding in that takes most time.

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Oh,go on Bron :P

Its suprising what you can find to write about really.

I am sure mine must make dull reading,as I don't do much,but its really nice to log your thoughts.

I also think having a Blog makes you more aware of things.At the French Market I went to yesterday for example I was really looking at things,so I could write about them later....& taking a few photos.


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