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Roast advice

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Hello. My name is Paola, I am 31 year old from Hampshire and have never made a roast dinner :shock::oops:


Please help. I know it is a bit of a tall order but OH has just come home with roast in a bag chicken :shock::roll: Things are desperate! He always cooks the roast :oops: When I am in charge of buying, I always buy free range :D I love roast veggies, any tips? Oh forgot to mention that I burn water :oops:

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(What's a roast in the bag?!)


Roasts are easy-peasy -


Put it in a tin, rub some oil or butter onto the skin, cover it in foil and bung it in the oven (cooking times depend on its weight - it will say on the packet). Check it 20 minutes or so and spoon the juice over the chicken to keep it moist. Take the foil off 30-40 minutes before the end, to make the skin go nice and brown - voila! Sometimes I crumble a chicken oxo cube over the skin, which makes it nice and chickeny, or you can use paprika and a bit of chilli :D


The easiest potatoes are boiled new potatoes - chuck them in hot water and boil for 20 minutes. I like to add a sprig of rosemary to the water :)


Or, for roasties, turn the oven on and add some oil to a tray, and leave it to heat up. Chop and boil normal potatoes for 5 minutes. Drain them in a collander and shake them to make the edges nice and fluffy, then add them to the tray - they should sizzle when you add them; the hot oil seals the potatoes and stop them going soggie in the oven. They'll take about 40 minutes, and you should give them a shake every 20-ish so they cook evenly.

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What is it with men and roast dinners? :roll:

I hate doing them - all those different things that have to be ready at the same time. I avoid them like the plague if I can, but OH does love them - if ever I want my own way, a good roast dinner is the answer every time! :lol:

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Why do people get scared of roasts? They're so easy! (If they weren't the men wouldn't be interested!)


1. shove it in the oven for a couple of hours

2. carve it

3. eat it


People are also nervous of fruit cakes, when they too are just so easy and rarely go wrong.


How did it go?

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Why do people get scared of roasts? They're so easy! (If they weren't the men wouldn't be interested!)


1. shove it in the oven for a couple of hours

2. carve it

3. eat it


People are also nervous of fruit cakes, when they too are just so easy and rarely go wrong.


How did it go?


OH did it on Sunday, it was not bad. Thought I would do as much homework as I could so that I can do the next one :D

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Thanks for making me laugh Paola.


I love doing roasts - ours are usually freerange chickens from the local market. Next time you're up this way, I'll give you some cooking lessons - it's such good fun, and the girls will love joining in too.


Thank you Clare, sounds lovely :wink:

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I stuff our chooks with lemon wedges and thyme, then baste with goose fat (you can get this from Tesco), sprinkle with rock salt then roast and baste as per the weight until the meat falls off the bone.


Roast potatoes are easy peasy; part boil some peeled potato chunks, then drain and return to the saucepan, put the lid on and bash them about a bit to give them crumbly edges (a sprinkling of semolina helps to crisp them up a treat), then add to a pan of really hot fat, baste regularly.


I serve it up with some roasted veggies.

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My top tip for chicken and turkey is just to buy the best quality one you can afford and roast it in a rack (you can get them from supermarket) UPSIDE DOWN- the fat on back and thighs will percolate through the chicken and the breast will be moist. If you have a fan oven it will still brown, in a conventional oven turn it over for last 20 mins.

Let it rest for 20 mins before you carve it, while it is resting drain off fat in bottom of pan reserving the brown meat juices at the bottom. Add one chick stock cube a cupof water a splash of white wine and a bay leaf. Stir it around on a medium heat and thicken with 'Thickening Granules' as per instructions on box.

Great bird, great gravy!

I heartily agree with the roast potatoes tips- parboil and shake, roast in duck/goose fat for 30 mins.

Its the easiest meal in the world really.

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Don't forget that you should use Goose fat to roast your potatoes, rather than any other oil. It is THE best thing to get your potatoes perfectly done. :wink:


Best of luck, and try throwing some garlic cloves in the with potatoes when roasting - they are great to eat after roasting - we fight over them!

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