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Chook diary from the North!!

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Louise,I have just put in a search for Lux Flakes and there are lots of sites the first one I looked at says you can order Lux Flakes and have them delivered to your door give it a go ................ :lol::lol:


After looking a bit further down the page it says they are now sold under a different name they are now callled dri- pak soap flakes, that might be why you can't find them in the shops............... :lol:

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Unilever have stopped producing Lux Flakes but I think the boots ones are the same, on the website it said they were still produced in England but when I tried to find stockists they were all in America........The site had some good recipes for their use though even told you how to make a liquid hand wash with them..... :lol:

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Thanks folks I will head for Boots pure flakes.


The way to use them apparently to get soot out of the carpet is to make a gel by disolving it in water then heating it in the microwave which is where it turns to gel then you rub it in let it dry then vacuum it up :? I hope it is that simple. It has to be easier than what I have been doing which is rubbing a bar of soap into the carpet :lol: It works but it is really hard work and because it isn't pure soap even grating it doesn't have the same result :shock:


Simon my sweep is really into the alternatives in life so if he does join the forum he will fit in well :wink:

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I Have just posted a couple of pics of the huge egg one of my girls laid the other week. They started off at about 50g and got slowly bigger to 65-70g. One of the early ones was a double and that is the normal size now but the other day I went out to find a whopper at 101g!! :shock: It was also a double but there aren't any pics as my dad gobbled it up for his brekkie too quickly :lol:


The pics are in the Chooks from the North album :wink:

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Yes Sarah I did I got the full set and my dad was there when it arrived and as I unpacked it he said 'don't you buy some strange things' :lol: My mum has seen an egg slicer in the same range out in Spain so when she goes back out in August I will get one of those as well :lol: I also have a fridge magnet too!!


Its funny coz now I get mailings from the GLTC all aimed at parents and kids - which I don't have strange looks from Mr Postie :oops:

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