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feeling sorry for myself

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not a good day for me. i had only been at work 15 mins this morning when i broke my finger. so here i am back at home fingers strapped up and in an elevated sling with instructions not to try to use it for at least a week. iv'e managed to get out of my work trousers and struggled to put on some ancient joggers but my works t-shirt will have to stay on until hubby gets home tonight.

my finger is sooo sore, iv'e never broken anything before.

don't know i will wash my hair, tie my trainer laces do up my jeans etc. i expect hubby is going to be a busy boy this week. just glad i gave the eglu a good clean yesterday.

nurse at work told me to take painkillers and eat lots of chocolate. actually fibbing about the chocolate bit.

i will probably be on this forum quite a lot this week.



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me again

the chocolate seems to be taking the edge off the pain. unfortunately i am alergic to ibruprofen, the only painkiller i am allowed to take is paracetamol.

when my finger got crushed it ripped off part of my nail, so my finger is in a bit of a mess. it is my little finger on my left hand and luckly i am right handed.

off to the bakers now for a hot pie for my lunch as i can't slice my loaf of bread.

i will look a sight - old joggers, works t-shirt and my sliipers as all my shoes are lace ups, i have got a pair of wellies but that would look worse.



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ooh, Ali S I know how you feel, I have broken both my little fingers before (not at the same time, but both as a result of karate :cry: ) and my little finger (not related to karate, but to me being so exicited that the slobby neighbours next to us at the time were FINALLY cutting the grass, that I ran in through the french doors, caught and broke my little toe on the frame and :roll::roll: , wait for this... slid about 30 foot on the wooden floor through the conservatory and into the lounge. :shock::shock: ... DONT laugh!), and it was SO painfull - the pain was not at all related to the size of the broken bone :cry::cry::cry: .

My only remedy was to give up karate and move to someone with non slobby neighbours.........(oh and eat lots of chocolate!!!) :D:D:D

I hope you feel better soon.




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lol. have been training all year for a triathalon and my adventure holiday (in 4 weeks).


i was just starting to get really fit.. then in the final week


sunday i did a 70mile bike ride (london to cambridge)

monday i did 2 hours of football

tuesday i did a 10 mile run

wednesday i did 3 hours of badminton

thursday i did 3 hours of badminton

friday i was playing netball.. and all i did was turn around and "snap"...


my kneecap popped off (dislocated), fracturing it.. i spraine 3 ligaments and a bit of cartilige is rattling around in the joint somewhere.


i really hardly moved at all.



spent the past 6 weeks sitting on my bum all day eating chocolate *sulk*


all that weight i lost (3 stone) is slowely creeping back on...


i had to cancel the triathalon.. and im not sure i will be ready for my holiday, which i have been paying for over the past 3 years...


(sailing, windsurfing, cycling, waterskiing, scubadivings, tennis, etc)..




never mind.. at least i am now hobbling around without the aid of crutches!

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everyone i know who has damaged their knee have had constant problems with it!


honestly, I do so much exercise, im not sure how i will cope if this is re-occuring!


my OH (who is also very sporty) is already getting a bit fed up that we can't go on our long bike rides (I have missed the whole of summer).



hey ho.. at least I can play with my chickens soon!

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Kaz - our hobby is mountain hiking - I haven't been for nearly three years :cry::cry::cry:


My shopping off the Shopping Channels while my leg was still in plaster from top to bottom was an excercise machine - the Gazelle airwalker. I could use it while in plaster and it was great - freed up my hip and helped my back. It's still on the shopping channels!


Not much use for your finger though Ali :oops::?

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it is true. exercise is bad for you :)


another friend damaged her knee while warming up for an exercise class (she just did a sideways step)




i hate knee's what a silly design they are..


can i take it back to god and get a replacement? surely its still within it warrantee, im only 26, and looked after it well!

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Best painkiller i've ever found is a medicine with very strange properties indeed.


You can buy it over the counter at most late night shops and supermarkets.


It's called 'Southern Comfort', drink enough of this and I guarantee that you will feel no pain :D


Hmmm... Think I feel a pain in my little fingernail - now where did I put that bottle? :lol:





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I broke my little and ring finger while waitressing many years ago and took legal proceedings against the employer and got £1,800 compensation. :!:


They didn't seem to hurt that much but they went deep purple. I could still bend them. I don't seem to suffer with major pain. I broke my shoulder skiiing which was a bit painful and as for childbirth that was a doddle. But a paper cut now that really hurts.


I hope all of you with broken bits get better soon.

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as for childbirth that was a doddle.






I must have been doing it wrong then.................



Ali, I hope you are feeling a bit cheerrier this morning! I've woken up with a tummy bug, my face is a delicate shade of green, and I have work tonight. Not a happy bunny!

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as for childbirth that was a doddle.






I must have been doing it wrong then.................


Me too, twice!



I've woken up with a tummy bug, my face is a delicate shade of green, and I have work tonight. Not a happy bunny!


Hope you're feeling better soon Shona and hope Ali's finger's not too sore today too.

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and as for childbirth that was a doddle.


My mother used to say the same thing...."like shelling peas, don't know what all the fuss is about...women in India drop them in the fields, then get up and on with their work etc. etc..."


I've never had the inclination to either prove or disprove her theory! :lol::lol::lol:

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I broke my toe a few years ago & it was agony.....there is no way they can strap it at all, & walking was a nightmare foe weeks.

How did I do it?

Well, I was in the garage,(hubbys domain - I should have know better!), & I lifted something off of the counter, which dislodged a sledge hammer which landed on my poor old toe.


JEM - FYI, jack Daniels works much better than girlie Southern Comfort!


I thought seriously about taking the hubby to court for a few pennies, but I guess that would have been counter productive!


And he does make a smashing JD & coke!

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