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Toad advice? Urgent!!

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Hi All-

Not sure if any of you will be able to help- but worth a shot!


Background: We have an enclosed, walled garden with a pond. Just to clarify- it really is fully enclosed- I don't believe any toads would ever be able to get in. Last year dad found at toad by the bin sacks (at front of house) and brought him round and put him in the pond.


For the last couple of days a toad has been sat in the water-buttercups croaking constantly- obviously calling for a mate. Dude- no-one is coming- you need to move on. But he's not getting the idea- and is still sat there singing. What should I do? Leave it to nature and let him be single? Or move him to a bigger pond down the road where he's more likely to find a mate??


Any advice greatfully received!!



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Or...you could get him a mate for your pond perhaps? Either way, I think he probably needs some froggy company. I think your instincts are telling you to help find him a friend or two if he's walled in, with no chance of him getting out or a friend getting in. Maybe he's heard another croak over the wall and is calling out to it......


Good Luck :D

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Thanks Gina - but where would I get a mate from? There are ponds nearby- but not with toads sitting on the bank waiting to be re-homed.


I would much rather keep him in the garden (I don't want to mess with nature and he is kind of cute!) But if I don't move him I worry that I'm forcing him into a life of unwanted celibacy!

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I worry that I'm forcing him into a life of unwanted celibacy!




(sorry, I shouldn't laugh)


Have you tried the other pond you mentioned? You could go on a frog hunt and visit lots of pondy places......How about ringing your local pet shop or even a zoo. They might have a spare amphibian going. I'm not being very helpful now am I.......I'll try and think of something while I go and wash up.....it's a shame we aren't closer. My next door neighbour has a pond full of the little croakers :D

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:oops: I actually did ring the local garden centre to see if they had any advice as to where I could purchase a toad. They had no constructive advice. They did, however, find my predicament amusing! :oops:


I have looked (very briefly) down at the other pond- but (unfortunately) there are no toads sitting there - and would have confirmed the neighbours suspicions that I'm a nutter if I'd have told them what I was looking for...


"She's really lost in now.. first she got the chickens... now she's looking for toads!!"


I think my only 'what's best for the toad' option is to drop him off at the other pond but I really don't want to- I want toads/frogs in our garden!!! Any other ideas?

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Bear in mind that toads like to be moist, but not totally wet like frogs do. We've got loads of toads in our garden - shows a healthy eco-system 8)


I'd be inclined either to find him a girlfriend (how do you tell the sex anyway?), or to relocate him. Remember that if you find him a girlie, then you will soon have LOADS of toads!!!!!

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:) It's lovely that you have a pond and it now has a resident toad.

If it were me, I'd leave him there, but keep looking in the front by the bins in case any more wander along.

He is no worse off by your pond than he would be either lost in the front garden, or worse I think, introduced into another pond which isn't his home either.

If you take him somewhere else, it doesn't necessarily follow that he would find the right kind of toad and a mate, so I'd enjoy having him croaking in your garden & hope some more drop by. :D

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Thanks all. Good idea about freecycle. I did a search- no-ones offering any but I posted a 'wanted' message- I feel a bit of an idiot though! :D


Sheila- do you really not think I should move him?


ARGH! I don't know what to do for the best!

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Camelot, toads and frogs can and will climb huge obstacles to get to a)water and b)a mate. I wouldnt worry too much about him/her, but if you really feel for their celibate pain, maybe contact the local animal rescue centre...or a local pond... or any of the other suggestions on here.


Hmmm, good enquiry. Nice to see something different on here. fyi, we dont have a pond in our garden (yet...ho ho ho) but last year when tidying the garden I found 3 frogs and a toad. Go figure...

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I know i shouldnt but this thread has had me in stiches! :lol::lol:

I can just see the ad in Freecycle now


Wanted: Hereford, Frisky female toad wanting to start a family with handsome male, own walled garden in secluded spot :lol::lol::lol:



On a more sensible note! 8)

How about you rehome the toad at the local pond and replace him with some frog spawn for your pond instead? :? That way he gets to roam free spreading his seed so to speak and you get frogs instead. :D


Not too sure on the ethics of messing with natural toady behaviour but there you go! :?

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Haha- perhaps I should post a photo of him in case there are any takers. He really is quite a handsome chap!


Helen G mentioned that toads will do amazing things to get to water or a mate- he's making enough noise to attract a mate, so I think I might leave him there and let nature take its course. (I would hate to move him and he be unhappy- I know that makes me sound like a weirdo!)


Anyway- thanks for all your advice. I'll keep you posted and let you know if he finds a girlfriend!!


Thanks again,


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Photos....I was hoping to be able to buy a new hat :wink:


Good luck Camelot. Joking aside, it's so nice to see genuine concern over our little animal neighbours who share our space. I hope he can stay and you manage to find him a mate. You sound quite attached to the little fella :D

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I would send some now (we have had buckets full), but in the last week it has all dissolved and the tadpoles have come out.

That's it Jo :idea:


You need to go and buy a childrens fishing net and go tadpole fishing! You can't loose at this time of year. There must be somewhere nearby that has tadpoles. Toady will become a surrogate parent and will end up with lots of pals into the bargain too :D

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