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Senior Moments

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I thought I'd honour my 1000 posting by posting a Senior Moment. It's taken a while because Carl obviously had a Senior Moment of his own and moved my book :twisted:


Here it is:


Youth passes, but with luck immaturity can last a lifetime!


Just about sums me up! :lol::lol::lol:

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:lol: Heres one for the weekend :arrow:


" In the battle between handbag strap and door handle,

far better to knacker your handbag

than let the door handle feel it's won." :lol::lol::lol:


Mind you depends on the cost of the handbag surely :wink:


Sarah .. I never take a handbag, just fill my pockets 8)

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:lol::lol::lol: Oh, you Chatty Chickens, you are FUNNY :lol:


Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:40 pm




I am the same Sarah I have lost so many bags I gave up on them years ago..................

:arrow: Nicola, I nver had any bags in the 1st place :lol: . I was never really that girly, always rucksacks or made sure I had pockets. The other option .. fill up Grahams pockets :lol: , just a snag with what he will actually carry :oops: .


Why is it you always catch your fav top on the door handle :?::roll: .



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You and your typos -

....it will only be a bit C?




Criminal inviting?





Oh Lesley and Kate you do make me laugh, I knew coming on here would cheer me up. :D


I looked at the bottom of the screen in case the word had fallen down there! :roll:


Sammi :mrgreen:


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Brilliant Sarah but I've spent this long trying to understand it :roll::?

cos I was assuming that the door handle had already won but that depends on how easily the bag breaks.....


obviously I've been taking this far too seriously...


could you all just speak very slowly when describing these complicated pearls of wisdom.


Remember I've had a nasty shock earlier & then been making tea ever since.....


Also, reminded me of another unfortunate incident...


Once, when heavily pregnant with 2nd son I had taken eldest over to the park.

He was at that toddler stage of going on a large slide if there was one person to see him up the steps & another to catch him.


On my own that day but he was desperate to go on the slide.


I had to weigh up possibilities...if I didn't catch him he may shoot off end of long slide....

but, going up steps on his own was more dangerous as he was at that stage of sometimes missing his foothold, or leaning back at the wrong moment or sitting back too far at top of slide....& too high for me to reach him from the ground,


No choice then, having got into this, than to go up behind him & both go down together. (No one around, good)


So, both went up, he sat down & I held onto him with one hand & held rail with other hand to lower vast bulk to sit at top.


Then bag strap caught around rail as I sat down BUT, believe me I was in no position to get up once I was sat on slide & I didn't have spare hand to unhook myself (Wish THAT bag had broken)


Now completely torn between hoping no one could see me (would have made good Candid Camera) & actually hoping someone would rescue me or gradually slipping one year old.


In the end, gently as poss let go and watched my 1st born whizz down, then was able, eventually, to free myself & slide down...with severe wedging possibilities..how dignified :oops:


Then had to run after toddler who was heading back to steps shouting MORE

and take him straight home poor kid.

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