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Tom and Barbara

OOOOHH i hear a tap tap tapping!

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Don't ask me - we've got a broody on 11 eggs, due to hatch today/tomorrow - and we have so many eggs from our layers that we don't know what to do with them :roll:


Why? ................ am I still excited about more chicks arriving? :?


I keep telling myself that they'll be replacements for our older hens - but only two have died - and the others are still all laying :roll:

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pm me if you need to join, no-one on here will ever know :wink: .

Too late :lol:

You can all be identified by your growing signatures.

Luckily(?) OH doesn't like bantams or fluffy chickens, seems unaffected by chick pictures and insists that 4 is our maximum :shock:

Still I sneaked in a rabbit hutch with the pretense of isolating bullying chickens and one day hope to own a silkie or some cute chickens whichwould freak OH out. :twisted::lol:

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I do sell the eggs but need more buyers - without enticing people to come here for them!


I might sell some chicks - but most are hybrid crosses.


Four of the cockerels departed for the freezer on Tuesday - the remaining spare two may be sold as they are very good cockerels, and pure breed.


One of the cockerels has your name on it Clare! 8) - well, H for Herbert actually :wink:

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I'll have a word with the guys at work Lesley - I never seem to have enough eggs to take in to work what with close friends and neighbours and even though last Sunday we went to Wenlas, Joe said NO to getting any more hens :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:


At least you're not far and I can come and collect!


and if any chicks happen to land in my pockets as I leave I'd just have to explain.......



"Can't think how that happened!!"






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Well done, its very brave of you to make your confession on this forum and I fully understand and support you in your next hatching. To show my support I will also confess, that despite promising I wouldn't hatch for a while after the Frizzles, I have more eggs in the incubator on day 8 :roll::oops: .


You are not alone :wink: .

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