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I was just going to start a post saying good luck for SATS, but you beat me to it Sarah.


I think it's the same week nationwide as I'm doing mine this week too. For me there is little point in doing Maths and Science SATS though, as I've already started GCSE work and therefore my group won't change.



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:P Thanks ... and good luck to all .. Ben does his 1st ever SATs this week, though at the age of 7 , they are merely saying that they have to do a work book ... as they have been doing .. so they don't freak out at being given a TEST :shock::wink:
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We have happily avoided the boyfriend thing so far 8)


Don't know what its like in other schools, but the pressure they seem to be under is really bad.

Devon is a really bright girl & does well in exams,but even she is feeling it this time :?

Goodness knows what it will be like when its GCSE time :?:?:?

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No SATS this year! :D:D But we have started A2s (DD1) and GCSEs (DD2) start next week.


Good luck with everything everyone, including supportive mothers and fathers!

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Yikes, Immi takes her year 9 SATs this week as well, and I've had such a busy day today that I'd totally forgotten. In direct contrast to son's school who really piled on the pressure for his SATs last year Immi's school has been really laid back about them, as a result she's very relaxed about the whole thing. She has done a fair bit of revision over the past couple of weeks, so she should do OK, but I'm afraid I'm a bit cynical about SATs. She'll do her best, but if her grades aren't wonderful then it's not exactly going to affect her future................ we'll save the real worrying for the GCSE's in a couple of years :wink:


Good luck though to all of those taking SATs, and those starting GCSE's and A levels over the next few weeks, as well as all the non specific end of term exams that they all end up taking. It's a busy time for school children :shock:

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Awwww poor Devon! I hope her eyes aren't due to any crying / worrying over the SATS.

I feel sorry for any child these days doing SATS. They are too little & young to be doing tests!


When we were at school mum & dad said ' you can play about all you like so long as you knuckle down for your GCSE's' Both me & my sister did well, even tho she was a chatterbox in class! :roll:


Good luck everyone.



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Yikes, Immi takes her year 9 SATs this week as well, and I've had such a busy day today that I'd totally forgotten. In direct contrast to son's school who really piled on the pressure for his SATs last year Immi's school has been really laid back about them, as a result she's very relaxed about the whole thing.


You are not alone, Kate! My oldest son took a GCSE exam last week and we only found out about it yesterday - French spoken test!!


he reckons he did OK - but never thought to mention it!! :D



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Best of luck to all doing exams this week


Also to Harry and everyone else doing them next week and Jules the following week :D

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Good luck everybody doing exams this year.


Just remember the basics:

1. Take the equipment you need (including a calculator, ruler, compass and protractor if necessary)

2. Read the questions carefully.

3. Leave difficult questions to come back to later. Often you can get more marks by just doing the first part of each question rather than dwelling too long on tough bits.



(Former teacher, glad to not be marking this year!)

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Had Science SATS today-went ok.


Not that they actually matter as I'm doing Science a year early anyway and so far have 2 A's and an A* in the modular exams.


I have Maths tomorrow, which doesn't matter too much either, as I'm doing that a year early too and got an A* in the modular exam in February.


I have English SATS on Thursday and Friday.


We were supposed to have ICT SATS, however the software they use made our school's system crash, so they've now been forgotten!

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