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Hee hee hee

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I have to share this with you lot :lol:


We have an engineer up here to look at a piece of equipment which is playing up :?


He drove up from Leicestershire where the company is based and he has a new vehicle it used to be a Ford Mondeo but he was struggling to carry all the tools etc in it so has now replaced it with a Nissan Navara 4X4 :shock:


He has 3 young children and as this has to double as the family car as well as a works vehicle a van would be no use :roll:


He was at a B&B in Edinburgh overnight and has gone out this morning to find someone has 'ticketed' him :lol:


It looks like a parking ticket till you read it and basically it is giving him a row for having a 4X4 in a city or rather miles from the nearest wilderness :lol:


I had such a laugh as I was calling it a Chelsea Tractor when I saw it yesterday 8):lol:8):lol:8):lol:

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My colleague takes her 4x4 out to go to Tesco's and the gym.....both of which are in walking distance, and to drop her children off at school and they live a 5 minute walk away.


I do admit that it would be a bit of a problem doing the uphill walk home from the supermarket with half a dozen bags of groceries.


There isn't a speck of dirt on the vehicle and her children have to remove their shoes before they get in. :roll:

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I am embarrased to say we have a big pickup thing.


Its a company vehicle, and while OH does not need a 4x4 for work (he is in sales) what we have is classed as a commercial vehicle and is therefore cheaper tax-wise, which is ridiculous.


He does work for a transport company and they also operate a car dealership, so the company vehicles are also used for test drives but I have to say I am sometimes a bit embarrassed to be seen in it.


I work from home and walk to the shops most of the time but I do have to use it on occasion and I am ashamed to say I prefer to pay half the tax than we would have to bear if he had a Ford something or other. Yes I know :oops::oops:

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Brilliant. I am fed up of them coming up here for the weekend or holidays in these great big gas guzzlers, blocking up our roads (which are only small) getting in the way and generally being a right nuisance ....


Rant over


The tickets are just great - I will get some

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I think 4X4's are just plain vulgar- why not drive around with your bank statement displayed on your tailgate and have done? I live on a 40-acre farm all on a whopping hill and I dont need one, it makes me laugh when friends visiting from London turn up in a pristine Wagmobile and park next to my filthy little A-class :lol:

I would have loved some of those tickets when I lived in South London- some of the detail on them is really excellent. I just love it when people make a stand like this, more power to their elbow!

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even genuine 4x4 users have to visit cities sometimes :? Should we produce our own stickers telling you all what percentage is spent on off-road or rural usage? :? Banks, Doctors, Dentist and Pet Stores tend not to make home deliveries like Tesco/Waitrose


Actually, I agree with most of this - but how do you tell which are in use genuinely? Clare has mentioned how filthy our Freelander is but when it goes in for a service it is valeted. We are really embarrassed to drive it for a couple of days because of what others think of clean 4x4's :lol:


I'd just like tickets for people who park badly - whatever vehicle they are driving. I often write a note and stick it on their windscreen - but Carl hates me doing it :roll:

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I'd just like tickets for people who park badly - whatever vehicle they are driving. I often write a note and stick it on their windscreen - but Carl hates me doing it :roll:


What do you put on your notes? 8)


And why are my quotes not showing up properly? :roll:


Edit, Claret 'cos you missed the last square bracket off the first quote code :wink:

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I'd just like tickets for people who park badly - whatever vehicle they are driving. I often write a note and stick it on their windscreen - but Carl hates me doing it :roll:


What do you put on your notes? 8)


Usually just something like "Thank you for parking so badly that I can't get in my car" or "Your inconsiderate parking is taking up two spaces!!!"


I feel better for writing it - and then I drive away quickly so that i don't get thumped! :roll: I don't do it when I'm with Carl as he says it is him they will thump :wink:

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This reminds me of the time I bust my Achilles- my leg was healing nicely and I found I could drive fine as it was my right leg, if I rested my heel on the car floor I could get out and about. Fantstic, off I went shopping with my walking stick in the car. I had to leave quite a space on the drivers side so I could swing my leg out and back in, so parked up next to a pillar and left quite a gap, meant the car next to me was quite close on the other side.

I returned later to find a red-faced woman with a hideous squalling toddler ranting to herself as she slapped a note on my car and bundled her yuppiespawn into....you guessed it..... her giant Jeep (with some difficulty as my car was so close). She pulled out really quickly when she saw me limping over with my stick and wouldnt talk to me when I approached her window to ask what the problem was.

I found a note on my windscreen cursing my selfish parking and ranting on about how I should have noticed the child seat in her car! God she must have been :oops: when she saw me walking with a stick!!! :lol:

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