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Ash from woodburner..where to put it?

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As it's a wood burner, if you stick to using just logs, then you can compost the ashes and even use them for a chicken dust bath.


I'm not certain, but I didn't think you were meant to burn coal in a wood burner? But, I don't know that for sure :oops:

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Thanks for that. The woodburner is designed as a combi burner so can burn both. So, for the fires which are just wood, can they go on the compost or anywhere else? It is quite a large burner so is churning out loads of ash. If not compostable or can go on the gardens is if off to the dump with it for the stuff with coal? Thanks.

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I put my woodashes in the compost bins and then I also spread some around the base of plants which seem to like it - raspberries and blackcurrants - although you may read conflicting things about raspberries preferring acid soil whereas wood ash is alkaline. I've been doing it for the past few years and can't really say if it makes a blind bit of difference! However, I don't burn coal so can't comment on what to do with coal ash.

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Thank you everyone. The girls will be soooooooo pleased to get more of a mudbath. Its a bit like my teenage daughter and showers and or the mirror...they both can't get enough of it! Will be onto a wood fire tomorrow (if it is cold enough....quite warm here today.)

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Whatever you do, don't do as I did a few month ago and put ashes on the compost heap!


I managed to burn down 12 ft of fencing with what I thought were cold ashes...needless to say my neighbours weren't too happy.


I put mine in a metal bucket and then leave them outside until completely cooled, and then I dispose of them in the bin...we use smokeless fuel now so can't compost it :(

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Not talking to us much, I don't think they are too keen on us as a family...never mind tha I've lived here for 28 of my thirty years (I inherited my house from my parents when they passed away)

...In fact this would cover one of our most recent onversations;

Me: :anxious: 'hello'

Her: :notalk::shameonu:

Me: 'ok bye'


I always feel like a naughty child, and shejust has a 'tone'


Oh well, I've learnt from it and no longer put my fire ashes on the compost heap :D

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