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Chicken having trouble breathing - HELP

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I've come home tonight and found that one of my chickens seems to be craning her neck upwards and opening her mouth as if to get more air. She was fine this morning, does anyone know what this is ??


I'm sure that there was a thread about this but can't find it. Sorry if this is repeated.


Thanks :anxious:

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It may just be that she's moving things around in her crop as they do this sometimes and it can look quite alarming. If she's still doing it in the morning, it's definitely worth getting it checked out though as Gapeworm can be nasty.


Does she have any other symptoms such as noisy breathing or is she also shaking her head sharply? Hopefully she'll be fine but I would get her checked out if you're worried and make sure you worm her regularly every 4-6 months. Flubenvet's supposed to be effective against Gapeworm as well as the gut worms.


Fingers crossed for you.

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Glad I could help ( :anxious:) !


The avian vet I saw a couple of weeks ago, said that chickens are fragile creatures. The best advice he gave was if they are unwell, keep them nice and warm.


Maybe bring her inside tonight, put her in a box with a warm hot water bottle wrapped in a towel.


I hope all is well tomorrow at the vets :pray:

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don't be too alarmed. We think Orla may have had the same and she is right as rain now. We were very worried for several weeks. We dosed then all up on Flubenvet, giving Orla her very own spiked raisin and it seemed to work. I think we paid about £15 for it online including postage and it will last a very very long time. If you are close to Canterbury you are welcome to borrow my pot of it


Claire x

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Claire, thanks for the offer, it's really kind but I live in Guildford so not to worry, i'll go and get some tomorrow.



Did you manage to get some Flubenvet? If not I also live in Guildford and more than happy to supply. In fact I have one unopened that you could have. Just let me know.



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Hi Elaine C, thanks for the offer, that's really kind of you but I got some today.


She (Bernard !) is still having trouble but hopefully that will clear up now.


Ginette, thanks for inviting me but i've got my God-daughters 2 1/2 birthday (she was born on boxing day so we give her a birthday in the middle of the year !) from 12pm-2pm. Where are you all meeting and what time ?

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A pub (Hare and Hounds I think) in Lingfield for lunch. I don't think we have any firmer details but there is a thread in the Get Togethers section called Surrey Omleteers.It would be nice to see you, but it sounds as if you might be busy this time! Unless you're close of course. I doubt people will have gone home by 2pm! :D

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No worries Lovemychook. Glad you have got the flubenvet. Hope it does the trick and Bernard's breathing improves soon. Barnard is an interesting name for a chook but then again I've got one called Syd :wink: Apparently, the previous owners are ex-punk rockers! The other pepperpot is called Nancy! I also have a Kipper - apparently so named because she is smoked kipper coloured! So how did Bernard get her name? Where about in Guildford are you? I'm in Burpham.



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Elaine C, I love the name Kipper !! Bernard got her name from my sisters friends two 5 year olds !! I don't actually live in Guildford, I live in Cobham, I just wasn't sure whether to put my hometown on the forum :oops:


Ginette, thanks for letting me know. If I leave the party on time then i'll definately be there, it would be nice to put names to faces :D

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