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You know you're getting old when....and assorted musings!!!

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tell you one thing that has got better though - WARM bathrooms!!!! do you remember what it used to be like in those big old houses, where there was never enough hot water, and you froze as soon as you got undressed, froze while you were in the bath, and came out blue and shivering??!


Yes...but back then you only had a bath once a week....whether you needed one or not! :lol:

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prob shouldnt admit this, but my kids only have a bath once a week now!!! this is because (a) I'm lazy, and much prefer a glass of wine to supervising bathtime (b) I do subscribe to the peck of dirt theory © too much bathing bad for eczema - ok, tis an excuse! (d) they would much rather play! OH complains from time to time, but they don't smell or look any grubbier than any other kids, so I just tell him to wait til they're teenagers, when he will be complaining about the expense of the hot water and the amount of time they spend in there!

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Claret, I'm beginning to think you and I shared a childhood ... :wink: I must say it is reassuring to hear so many people on here echo some of what I remember!


It's not that my friends are all younger than me, most of them are around my age - but I reckon they all grew up with more money around than we had.


I think it's very useful growing up without much, you learn to appreciate what you do have, and when I was a student, I could feed myself on a few pounds a week because I knew so many economical meals to make!


Now that DOES make me sound old ... :oops:

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You know you're getting old when you prefer going out somewhere you can sit down and hear people speak rather than stand in the dark, squashed in with a million other people trying to have a shouted conversation with friends over the deafening music.


You know you are getting old when you have been persuaded to go to a club (against your better judgement) and start haggling with the cloakroom attendant about the rip off price of them hanging your coat up. Last time I got three coats on the same hanger for a quid - not bad going :wink:


You know you are getting old when you check the weather forecast in advance before going anywhere - just to make sure you take sensible clothing with you :roll:

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I think it's very useful growing up without much, you learn to appreciate what you do have, and when I was a student, I could feed myself on a few pounds a week because I knew so many economical meals to make!


Now that DOES make me sound old ... :oops:


:lol::lol: Very true! I used to survive on £8 of shopping each week from the supermarket (and that was less than 10 years ago!) :lol::lol: Beer money however was a different matter! :roll::lol:

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When you're invited out and your first thought is "How will I get home?"

When the finalists at Wimbledon look like kids.

When you cant pass a public loo without going in 'just in case'

When you start listening to Radio 4

When you get irritated by the neighbour putting his bins out a day early.


I could go on! Re heating- I grew up in a flat where the only heat was supplied by a parrafin heater in the living room, it was ok if you sat sonear it as to risk immolation, but everyone else froze!

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What about when you need your glasses to read the labels when you go shopping - and the next stage is finding you have one pair next to the computer, another (older pair) for where you watch the telly, a third (most recent) pair for reading.....


.... and does anyone else have to get up in the night to go to the loo now? Or is that just because I find wine harder to take, and so drink a larger volume of water? :(

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.... and does anyone else have to get up in the night to go to the loo now? Or is that just because I find wine harder to take, and so drink a larger volume of water? :(



You know you are getting old when you need to get up in the night to go to the loo but didn't :shock: ......so they say :D:D



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ooh, cant be doing with Radio 4, it makes me foam at the mouth!! Radio 2 tho, there's a good station (apart from Sarah Kennedy, who I would like to murder very slowly - sorry Sarah, if you're reading, i wouldn't really!). Everyone on Radio 1 should have masking tape stuck over their mouths til they learn to talk proper (nothing like a good sweeping generalisation is there?!)


I also find a lot more things very irritating than I ever used to, which I'm sure is a sign of age. for example, any kind of 'yoof' tv; dustbin men not leaving me OUR black box and recycling bag but someone else's grotty ones; the fact that the pub down the road is having an outdoors concert today and the noise is AWFUL; people who hog the middle or outside lane in the motorway; people who walk very slowly down busy streets so you cant get past; groups of young lads swearing; girls with muffin-tops... I could go on.

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Beach Chick,


Me and Couperwife agree with you about Sarah Kennedy, I find her so irritating when she plays a record and then keeps fading it out so she can keep banging on about 'putting a leg in a pant' etc. I even find the way she says 'awful' annoying, I don't know why! I think the reading the newspaper bit isn't too bad though.


I whoop with delight when she goes on holiday! I am sure she's a lovely woman though.... if only she could keep her trap shut when the songs are playing! :roll:



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What about when you need your glasses to read the labels when you go shopping - and the next stage is finding you have one pair next to the computer, another (older pair) for where you watch the telly, a third (most recent) pair for reading.....


.... and does anyone else have to get up in the night to go to the loo now? Or is that just because I find wine harder to take, and so drink a larger volume of water? :(


:lol::lol::lol: - another forum twin!


Egluntine - I should hope Christine hasn't got prostate problems! :lol::lol: I always get up in the night - I feel quite miffed if I sleep through! :lol:

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OMG! the dreadfull glasses problem. One set for reading, one for the computer, one for long distance and driving (but can't read with them!), a pair of bifocals for work (that come off for the computer). Oh and some sunglasses; can drive and play golf in them, but not a lot else.


I feel like Professor Brainstorm (anybody old enough to remember him? Must be over 50!)


The only good thing is that although I have to get up to go to the loo a time or three during the night at least I can manage without putting any glasses on - I can manage on automatic pilot!

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I solved the multiple glasses problem by getting varifocals. Brill. Just got some new ones. Very trendy.


And contact lenses. I love 'em.


I don't feel that I am quite old enough just yet to have them on a chain round my neck!


The glasses that is, not the contact lenses. :lol:

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Varifocals make me feel sick - and the 'reading' area is just too small if you read fast! I really can't get on with mine.

(and I wear my reading glasses on a cord all the time! - I'm old..... and proud :lol: )


You know you're getting old when............ you find Rick Wakeman presenting on Classic FM :roll::?

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You realise you're getting old when --


You're filling out a mulitple choice form where they have boxes for your age - 18-20/20-25/30-35/35-40 etc etc and you've moved a box up !! :shock:


When the new girl sits next to you at work and you mathematically work out you are old enough to actually be her mother :shock:


When you get those e mails saying "kids from the 90's" and reminiscing about the nineties trends.....yikes :shock:

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Talking of Rick Wakeman - must be getting old, both Wakeman and Steve Winwood are church organists (I read that somewhere).


I saw Wakeman in Edinburgh when he released the Myths and Legends of King Arthur - fantastic (but not as good as the Six Wives album, imo).

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