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Today I Picked.........

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4 cabbages destined for the freezer



Tips on freezing cabbage please?


Does it work oK?


We have 4 lovely ones which are going to end up as chook food otherwise and they are geting a bit bored with cabbage :roll:






blanchd for 1 1/2 mins


cold water


salad spinner to remove excess moisture... bagged into portions.. into freezer




... how well does it do? tell you in a few months ;)

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3 corn cobs; 1 of which I ate raw, the other two were grilled at the very top of a red hot grill, until corn started popping. Served with a smatter of homemade butter. Absolutely gorgeous!


1 freakishly large courgette which, thinking it looked like a yellow marrow, I decided to bake. It was a disaster.


Cur and comea again lettuce and some cherry toms for a side salad.


And a fig, which I am baking, with some honey, in the oven right now. I'll be serving it with some home made yoghurt.


Apart from the wine I'm drinking...and the olive oil I drizzled over my salad...and the cheese I grated to go over my courgarrow..and ignoring the disaster of the margette, , I feel very Tom-and-barbara today.

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My onions are drying on the conservatory wall in front of me at the moment and they look lovely :D !


I've picked cherry tomatoes and blueberries today - just enough blueberries to make a batch of blueberry and apricot muffins :D .


I made some blueberry muffins on sunday , but turned into upside down cakes :( still kids and DW eat them up. :D

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7 courgettes which are now roasting in the oven before being frozen.


When mum & dad come down at the end of next week we are going to dig the spuds and get busy roasting, mashing & sauteing them all so they can be frozen and used when Bean arrivies - instant dinners will be needed i think! :lol::lol::lol:

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(yesterday) 4 corn cobs. I ate one raw, and grilled the other three.


3.5 kilos of tomatoes, for the inevitable passata. We're getting to our limit of assigned space for passata now.


Mind you, I read again today about how good tomatoes (especially in a sauce) are for you, so it's no real hassle.


Might make a chilli tonight with some.

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We went to the lottie yesterday and had to pick all of our tomatoes even though they are green as we've got blight again this year. The plants are all pulled up and waiting for a bonfire :( . The surviving tomatoes are sat on the conservatory windowsill in the hope that they'll ripen and not continue to go brown :( . We had loads too and such great plans to bottle them all ready for pasta sauce! Ho hum! Blight resistant seed varieties already bought for next year :wink: . On the brighter side, I picked runner beans, peas, a couple of courgettes and was given a tub of freshly picked raspberries as well. Yay :dance: !!

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:D A big bowl of cherry toms and some runner beans. The tomatoes have done really well this year, but the beans are on the slow side - lack of bees pollinating I think :? .


Also - no sign of any sloes on my "stash" bushes - am I too early to be looking or is this just a rubbish year :?::(

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Oooh Christian, snap!!


We picked runner beans, French beans, a courgette and dug half of our maincrop potatoes from the allotment, picked cherry tomatoes and some plums from the garden and collected blackberries, crab apples, elderberries and some hazelnuts on a walk along country lanes later on.

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Yesterday mum helped me collect half a tub trug of Charlotte spuds - we were both quite disappointed with our haul :( however they tasted delish :D


Also discovered that one of the apple trees in the garden has proper eating apples on it and not just horrid crab apples. OH & mum ate a couple and then we stripped the tree and made batches of stewed apple, apple & cinnamon and apple & rhubarb. All in the freezer now and available for easy puddings when Bean arrives :D

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Monday I picked:


6 cucumbers

2 courgettes

first of my tomatoes...

bucket full of dried bolotti bean cases

half a shopping bag of runner beans

lifted a 24 onions with few more still to go


Lovingly tended for my:

king size pumpkin (its about 18" across now!!)

my BNS (about 15 on two plants)

my Harlequin squash which is invading my peas lol

planted out some replacement strawberry plants for the gaps from this year

weeded my new this year asparagus bed... 11 out of 12 with lovely ferns.. and one a little sorry for itself

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:P A pile more tomatoes, and an apple off the "scrumptious" tree - which went home with outlaws along with some freshly made chutney.


The plums, apples and onions came from their garden originally - and also made leek and potato soup from their produce - its good to be able to swap stuff around :P

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