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Today I Picked.........

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I picked broad beans at the weekend - the ones that were covered in blackfly a couple of months ago - they were scrumptious. As they were in a raised bed we only had enough for a starter for 2 with (home grown) tomaotes and a dressing. Will have to reassess the garden and see where I can grow more next year....

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DS picked quite a few cherry tomatoes yesterday. Nothing else is ready, but the lettuces are growing well. :)


No-one really likes lettuce, so I'm not sure why I'm growing it, but I'm sure the chickens will enjoy it anyway! :D

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Today I picked 8 slugs and threw each one over my shoulder and made a wish (that they land on a neighbouring allotment that just grows weeds).


Potatoes, blackcurrants, redcurrants, loganberries, raspberries, onions, lettuces, radishes, victorian climbing peas, yellow ball and green cylindrical courgettes errrm I am sure there were other things but I can't remember. :roll:

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I dug the last of my potatoes in the ground, about one third were soggy with the weather. We had them as chips for tea.


The ones in pots are next, as they have less space than the ones in bags. Plus, then ones in bags look a lot healther, the potted ones are yellowing quite badly.


My hanging toms are yellowing, too , but are flowering and now producing toms quite gamely, so am hoping...

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I got back from two weeks holiday on Saturday so on Sunday we went to the allotment. Over half of our potatoes have got blight :cry::cry: and the weeds have had a field day :cry:


On a happier note, we picked 19 marrows and courgettes which are the size of marrows :D:D I think i need to make some chutney :wink:

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