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Hiya everyone, sorry if this is on the wrong board, feel free to move it!

We have been growing tomatoes for about a month now and have made some big tomatoes that are yet to ripen. But i have noticed over the past week that the leaves are starting to turn black. we have been watering them about twice a day but still cant figure out a reason why they are turning black.


does anyone know why?

thanks for any replies


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Sounds like blight to me, but I am no expert.

Pinch a leaf off & take it to a local garden centre....they normally have someone in the know around.


You may be over watering - mine only get a water once evry couple of days while its not boiling hot (they are in a greenhouse)


I am usually well into a glut by now, but this year I am yet to have a single tommo ripen due to the lack of sun :?:?:?

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My outdoor tomato plants look terrible. Plenty of little green tomatoes but the leaves are withered and black so not looking hopeful :(


My Mum reckons it is due to the weather - hot and sunny then tipping it down, then dry and warm etc etc.


Luckily my spare room looks like a greenhouse due to tommy plants so I should get a few tomatoes at least :D Feel sorry for guests though - I call it a "themed" room :wink:

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That all makes me feel much better - mine are just as you've all described. I thought it was something I had or hadn't done to them! :roll:


Our outdoor ones are the same as yours Snowy, whilst the ones in the greenhouse are fine n green but no ripe tomatoes yet :(:(


I thought we had done something wrong too and had put the tomato plants too near the potatoes. Must be the weather though as a lot of us are having the same probs :(

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Back from holiday and my sweetpeas are fantastic!!! I picked several vases' worth and still have hundreds!


The tomatoes on the other hand are all black, shrivelled and nearly dead! I planted them away from the potatoes as blight can affect both plants. But the tatties have had it too! :cry:


I pulled up 4 plants and had a good few handfuls of ok sized potatoes. Still have another 11 plants to pull up.


The tomato plants will be pulled up today :cry: . 11 plants going in the bin!!!!

(that has scuppered my plans for hundreds of jars of tomato and chilli jam).


P.s don't put the black leaves/plants in the compost bin. The blight spores will contaminate the compost. :!:

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:( oh dear! that's the joy of gardening ... you win some, you lose some.


I am a tomato novice, mine are growing well but I think I should have picked off more of the side shoots as there's a lot of leaf, not much fruit. I've only ever grown 'tumbler' tomatoes before, and you don't need to thin them out.


Sounds like yours had some disease though, nothing to do with how you looked after them.

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True Olly!


The beetroot are fab, as are the runner beans, chard, onions, brussels, courgettes, pumpkins, carrots (from Lesley), sweetcorn, lettuce, cucumber and radishes! You can't have it all i guess!


Good news though! I just remembered a tumbler tomato i planted in a pot! Its doing well! Fingers crossed.

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My Tumbler tomatoes are doing just fine and we have had quite a few so far with as many more to come. Usually I struggle with the watering, but this year it has been just fine! :roll::)

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