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Where Do You Keep Your Poop

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We put everything out of the eglu and the decking in the compost bin, but the poop on the grass I just water it in with the hose pipe and the same where the plants are, I just water it in.......


I know it can be acidic but the garden is pretty well watered so im not worrying too much at the mo......Give it 6 months see if I am still saying that :)

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The daily poop tray newspaper & any dirty straw from the nest box gets bundled up in a carrier bag and in the normal bin. When we change the ' easy bed' stuff in the run - we put that in the brown garden waste recycling bin as that goes to be turned into compost anyway!


Occassionally, I put some poop round the tomato & bean plants - just dig it in to the soil, but not too often.



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Poos at the moment getted bagged and into the normal bin. Normally they would be put in the compost bin but there is a enormous Pumpkin plant growing in there.


A small amount of poo goes into the Chicken poo soup watering can and is used to water/feed the Veggie beds.

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I panicked when our first compost bin was full so ordered another two!!


We now have one maturing one filling and on standby I think two would have done!


Any poos left outside of the poo trays get washed in with a hose pipe and I must admit the lawn has never looked so good!!



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We used to buy chicken manure - next to the eglu is a big (empty) tub of "rooster pellets" that we use to prop the shed door open.


I only collect poo from the eglu and that with the shredded paper goes straight into the compost bin. We hose down the patio and decking once a week and just jet the poo onto the lawn. Ignore it in the flowerbeds and it kinda disperses on the lawn when I mow, either gets broken up or ends up in the grass bin and therefore back in the compost bin. We have a large compost bin and two smaller ones but I think we are going to get another 3 compost bins (maximum number of cheap ones you are allowed to buy from the council). Our garden is 1/2 acre and the compost area is big enough to stand all these bins so seems like a good idea.


I don't really feel the need to poo pick but thats probably because they have such a large area to freerang in that it doesn't get too concentrated.

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We have a large compost bin (was cheap from the council although sadly not free in our area when we got it!) and all that went into it before we got the chicks 2 weeks ago was potato peelings and grass cuttings, and mostly grass cuttings to be honest so all it was doing was sitting there and smelling horrible but since putting the chicken poo in it daily (we have to pick it up daily because of flies settling on it) it's been composting down so quickly we can't believe it! It was almost full, but it's composted down to about 1/2 - 2/3 full just by giving it a mix every couple of days.

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