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All is not what it smells to be!!!

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I love freshly ground coffee - much prefer the proper ground stuff for the filter machine than the jars of instant though!


Many years ago hubby bought me a bottle of YSL Paris for christmas (I did ask for it!). In January I discovered I was expecting no 1 son - ever since then the smell of Paris makes me retch. I never did use that perfume! :?

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The firm I didn't mention specialise in fruity aroma's apparently, The Coffee comment was an example he used to explain what they did. I didn't think coffee needed any more aroma than it has anyway.


I think more time should be spent making awful smells not smell rather than making nice smells smell nicerer.



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Sarah, I just looked at that site............ it's fab :D:D:D

I'd love to try some of those fragrances, I especially like the sound of the rain/ garden type ones. I'm going to go back there later and try to narrow down my favourites to just a couple and then order them :D

Do they really smell like they claim to? I love light, fresh, earthy type smells, and some of those really sound like they could fit the bill.

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Smells can bring back memories & emotions in a flash!

My favourite smell is that of clean washing, when were in Keswick last week every day we walked past a laundrette & I amused my friend by inhaling the smell of washing powder & fabric conditioner deeply as we passed.

I have a Yankee Candle with the fragrance "Clean cotton" in my bedroom. & the same in an air freshener in our car.

If there was a perfume that smelled of clean washing I would buy it- anyone know of one?!


We also have lavender to help us sleep

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Sarah, I just looked at that site............ it's fab :D:D:D

I'd love to try some of those fragrances, I especially like the sound of the rain/ garden type ones. I'm going to go back there later and try to narrow down my favourites to just a couple and then order them :D

Do they really smell like they claim to? I love light, fresh, earthy type smells, and some of those really sound like they could fit the bill.


Kate, they are really lovely fragrances, & smell just like you would expect.

As they are only from the US,then if you get one you are not too keen on they have a really high sell-on value on Ebay :wink:


In fact when I first found them I searched on Ebay US site & bought 20 little sample phials from a woman who specialised in selling them like that.It was a great way to try them out, & was really good value too :P

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...This UK Website... sell them.


They are not cheap, but I imagine the postage will be less.


I might get the Laundromat one......I love the smell of clean washing too.!


My son brought some Lenor fabric conditioner with Febreze (sp?) when he came home from Uni and I washed a duvet yesterday and used a bit.


I hung it out to dry and when I brought it in it smelt really lovely.....in fact I kept sniffing it! A bit like the boy in the ad with the underpants on his head :lol:


I might dab some behind my ears!

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If there was a perfume that smelled of clean washing I would buy it- anyone know of one?!


How about dabbing an aerial liquitab behind each ear?




I love the clean cotton candle from Yankee. I have just found the tea lights too!! Have one on every room!

I am a Persil girl!

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I have just tried to order on the Demeter Fragrance US site- they want $40 to post to the uk :shock:

The Uk company only wants £4- guess who will get my business.

I still need to investigate the P&P on eBay for the US sellers, but it may work out the same as buying more expensively here but paying for less postage.

Or.... I could ask my cousin in America to order it for me, the P&P for the US is about $4!

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Buying from a US seller on Ebay is pretty god value.

Some of them are shipping very cheaply 8)


There are some from Finland too, which are shipping here for £2.99, which is a bargain :D


Demeter didn't used to be so pricey for shipping.

What I used to do was bulk out my order with as many as I could for the same flat shipping fee, then sell the ones I didn't need on Ebay - that would usually pay for the entire lot, my ones included :wink::wink::wink:

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Another thing you have to remember when buying from the US is that customs may charge you extra once it gets here. I ordered a lot of stuff we we had a pub (lots of movie theme things) half of it got through customs with no problem and the rest of it got stopped and I had to pay quite a bit for it........Just be careful thats all as it can end up costing quite a bit more than you first think.

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