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Guest chookiehen

Day from hell

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I've just had the most nightmarish day from hell


woke up this morning, had a fight with the boys as they wouldn't get ready for school, went outside to the car to discover that some **** had walked round the whole village and slashed everyones car tyres. EVERYONES! Having just spent a fortune getting the 'rustmobile' through its MOT, I was not best pleased to have to shell out another £40 on a new tyre.


Got the tyre sorted, went out to buy shoes for the party season, found the perfect shoes, only not in my size, and apparantly no Next in Edinburgh has them in a size to fit my elephant feet.


Picked the boys up from school, and realised in my quest for perfect party shoes, had forgotten the fundamental neccessity for providing a well balanced upbringing for small children - didn't have food for lunch - had to drag them round Tesco kicking and screaming - nightmare.


Got home, fed them, found a GINORMOUS spider in the bath (we're talking 3 inches across), plucked up the courage to flush it down the plughole (sorry to any spider lovers out there), went to get ready for work, got in the shower, and then I found a lump.


It's too late to see my GP till Monday, and while Chookiehubbie and I are trying to stay positive, it's really difficult. My rational side is telling me that 8 out of 10 lumps are harmless, but, to be frank, I'm pooing myself. It's put the rest of the day into perspective, and put the rest of my life on hold, all in one split second.


I'm not sure why I'm writing this post - I've never met any of you (except little n), so possibly it's easier to tell you than to tell my friends who I see all the time.


I find it ironic that, at a time when I am treating my body better than I have ever treated it before, it should start to fall apart in such a potentially major way.


Sorry for such a depressing post, but it's made me feel a bit better to share it with people.

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Hi Shona,

You poor thing, it sounds like you have been through a truly horrible day :(


I found lump in my breast a couple of years ago,so I can sympathise with the way you must be feeling.

I remember feeling sort of hollow, no room for anything other than my lump in my mind.........

Which is a perfectly normal way to feel of course.There is nothing more fightning than finding a lump (except maybe a 3 inch spider :shock: )


Anyhow, after my Doctors visit,which I had to wait for as I was on holiday when I discovered it, then the wait for the specialist in the Hospital I was in a right old stste.


It turned out (after a fine needle biopsy) to be just a thickening of tissue post-breastfeeding.


I now check myself really regularly & have had to go for check overs again after finding things I wasn't happy with,but they have also all turned out to be nothing.


So, just try to be positive,which is really hard but will help you in the long run.

Buy a bottle of Champagne & put it in the fridge for WHEN you get the good news that it is nothing to worry about :P


Oh, & have you tried the Next Directory (online) for the shoes?????

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:shock::( Sorry to hear about your C**p day.


I found boots in timberland the other day ... not my size though :evil: . Went into SCHUH and found the same boots , but they only had one size 4 :shock::? . Anyway, for the inconvenience they gave OH 10% off, and had them posted out to us .. this was Tuesdsday and they came yesterday, so intime for the weekend. :P . Try ordering the shoes online, know its a hassle, but you can always send them back if not right.


Hmmm ... spiders ... I do the same. Lump ... a few months ago I had some changes and constant tenderness in my left boob.Turned out to be nothing major ... but as my Mum died of Ovarian Cancer and there is a strong link between the 2, I can understand your need to change your underwear .... :wink: . I went through Christies in Manchester ... and the whole family history tree thing (interesting what you find out ....), please try to enjoy the weekend ... theres nothing you can do over the weekend ... but I know you will constantly be re-checking your boob ... I felt like a right perv at one point :(:oops: .


Thoughts are with you ....... go and hug the chooks. :P

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That took some real courage to post, well done! Your hubbies' right, a lump is a lump, its not necessarily cancer, there are so many things it can be, many women have dozens of benign cysts. The good thing is that no one is going to waste time making you wait. Breast lump investigation is done really quickly and thoroughly. Clinical stuff out of the way, I can understand how its made you feel that its put things in perspective! We lead such busy lives, and hardly have time to think, sometimes it takes a health scare, or losing a loved one to put it into perspective for us...how much we enjoy in our lives, how beautiful our children are, what our hopes are for the future. Sometimes its easier to tell that to virtual strangers because they don't have the emotional attachment to us, and hopefully they'll listen and respond with an openness of mind and empathy, rather than the same fear that we're feeling.


Don't know if I've been much help, I know you'll get loads of support on here (wouldn't get that on P.P :roll: ) and I'll find some info for you if you'd like.


Best Wishes, keep smiling :D

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Hi Shona,


What a horrible day.


My friend has lumps which appear all the time and they are always benign so not all lumps are bad lumps. Mum had to go for a needle biopsy last year and that was also benign so try to stay positive if you can. I know that it's not easy.


I agree with SarahJo about buying shoes online! I've got very wide (OK, very flat) feet and it's so much nicer trying them on at home and sending them back rather than trail from shop to shop with no luck!


Spiders? Oh yes! Same here! Can't stand the beasties!!


You'll always get support from us so if you need someone, we're all here for you Shona.

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I've only just caught up with your posting..... what a horrible day, and then finding that lump must have been just like the icing on the cake :x . Everyone has already given some really good advice, and the important thing is that benign breast lumps are really common, something like 90% of breast lumps found in the under 45 age group are benign, so the changes of it being a nasty are slim.

Where are you in your cycle? If you're pre-menstrual, then it's quite likely hormonal and should disappear later in the cycle.... but do make sure of that.

Does it seem to move if you put pressure on either side of it? Movement is a really good sign of something called a "fibroadenema" or "breast mouse"; whatever it's called it's trivial. But, don't assume this, even if it does move still get it checked out, although you could definitely relax the worrying a lot.

Pain or tenderness is another really good sign, suggests blocked ducts, swelling or infection etc, ie all trivial and treatable.

There are lots of other causes of lumps that are harder to pick up on, which is why you must see your GP, but primarily it's cysts or lipomas (fatty lumps).

I've got some info at work about breast lumps and bumps, but not much at home, so if you'd like me to try to get some together for you let me know and I'll send some on.

Good luck, try to chill a bit this weekend- not a lot you can do on a weekend, so have a good time, and see your GP on monday.

Love & hugs

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You must be feeling as if you're on an emotional roller-coaster :shock: , as everyone else has said it doesn't have to be a nasty.


Do take care of yourself over the weekend, treat yourself to something nice even some expensive bath oil (or chocolate!) and I'm sure that on monday your GP will have some answers or suggestions for you.


with love Karen x

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Just like to add my support to the others and wish you well.


It's good that you've checked and found it and will get it seen to as soon as you can. Try and have a good weekend by telling yourself that it's the best thing for your body to relax and be kind to yourself rather than worry (easier said than done I know!).


Thinking of you

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Oh don't dare me Lesley :twisted: ! You know I'll tell all :lol::lol::lol: ! You'd never dare meeting up with anyone ever again!!


I found an enormous tarantula in our bedroom the other day when LSH was away. It was humungous. I was terrified so I ran into Ollie's room looking for a weapon (plenty in there, it's like an "Ooops, word censored!"nal!) and found his wooden bow which LSH had lovingly carved for him. That would do perfectly. I ran back into the bedroom and started to batter the spider to oblivion but the bow snapped in half :shock: . Of course I continued to batter the spider until it stopped moving and all the legs had come off :roll: then put the bow back behind Ollie's door (where's your bad parent badge, Clare??).


Ollie came home from school and found the bow - well, he would, wouldn't he and came down in tears. I concocted a story about tripping over it because it was sticking out of his toybox and how I was very sorry. He burst into tears again saying not to worry, it was all his fault :shock: ! Oh dear! (I really do need that badge, Clare!). I did manage to persuade him that it was entirely my fault, by the way - no guilt trip for him but a major journey for me :roll: .


Good old LSH managed to mend the bow when he got back from his trip and neither of us have told Ollie what really happened.

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Well................not really the right place but it might cheer everyone up. Apologies Shona, but hope it makes you smile.


I wanted to get a rice pudding cooking for the grandchildren and only just had time for it to cook. I was bursting for a wee but had to get the rice on first. Went to get the rice, legs crossed, hopping from foot to foot - as you do.


Reached the container with rice down from a shelf, my fingers touched - just as I saw - a massive spider in the box. :shock: . Yes, you've guessed it - big scream, wet myself and rice up in the air - all at the same time :oops::lol:


Carl came and rescued me - laughed at my embarrassing situation and then laughed some more because the damn spider was actually dead :?

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Hi Shona


Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you.


I'm sure (in fact I know) I speak for all of us when I say we here for you to pour your heart out to.


Sometimes its just easier to talk to those who are not as close to us. During 2 very difficult times in my life it was easier to talk to those not so close to me - something to do not wanting to cause your close friends and family the upset you know they will go through because you're worried about you.


Glad I'm not the only one who has wash spiders down the sink/bath or batter them to fine pulp.


Totally cannot cope with them (even had to phone my mum once to get her to come round and rescue me :) )

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