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is this lazy????

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im wondering if its cheaper to buy them or make them?


I dont have much time, and im wondering if it would be better and safer [lol] to buy them?


is this good value , or would it be alot cheaper to make?





Sorry to be such a pain, i have NOOOOO idea!


Thanks in advance!!!

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I think ready made pens are a great idea & we shall invest in one if we move house or if we move the currnet pen we have to a different area of this garden.


Making your own pen can work out to be expensive,not to mention time consuming.....


I like this one (it even has a fox skirt!)



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gosh, they look good ... I am gradually coming round to the idea that both I and the girls would feel happier in a proper run. My DIY skills are minimal and when you add up the cost of timber, mesh, nails etc (not to mention bashed fingers and tears of frustration!) I think these look like good value.


Look at it another way ... I want to swop to a Cube next year. Buying a Cube with a run will cost £175 more than buying just a Cube; I could set tat against buying one of these ready-made aviaries.


I like the sound of the chap who will put it up for free, if offered a cup of tea!

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I'd definitely go for the readymade one! Especially as the seller will put it together in return for a cup of tea.


Time is a precious commodity and as you have a small baby to think about, you won't have much of that!


If you go for the self build option to save money, and then find that you don't have the time to put it together, it will weigh heavily on your mind and become a burden.


I've done this a few times, and have learned a lesson. The cheaper option can turn out to be more costly in other ways.


Am contemplating one of the flytesofancy ones myself. :lol:

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thanks everyone.


i emailed another seller on ebay <5 miles away from me. and he said for a run


7ft high

7 metres long

by 3 metres wide


it would cost £120 !!!!! And he will deliver it. BARGAIN!!!!!


Ooooh :shock: could you let me know what it is like, as we're not too far away, and at that price it's not worth getting all the kit to make one :D


karen x

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I bought a small, double safety door, aviary for the quail from www.riversideaviaries.co.uk which was excellent value and easy to put together. They let you know a delivery date and were a very easy company to deal with.


I've also just bought the Flyte so Fancy Protection Pens for all the hens. I intend to put two Eglus to a pen, with the Eglus on the outside so that access to the nestbox and cleaning the poo tray out will be easier.


I am now looking at panels to make a run for the rabbits so that I can go in with them - I just can't get to them in and Eglu run :evil: , but I love keeping them in an Eglu (without the bars) I shall use the corner of the existing run area and so only need one side panel and an end panel with a door. I have been looking on Ebay as well - can I have the details of the man you're buying from as well please?

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ive aged about 30 yrs since having Seth.:) My memory is sooo bad due to sleep deprevation. [he only used to sleep for an hour a day for the first 6 months due to being allergic to milk!] was a nightmare.


We moved into a derelict house when he was 4 weeks old, [ we still have no bathroom!] and life has been fast paced ever since.


Luckily hes not 10 months old [going wayyyyyyyyyyy too fast!] and he sleeps at night a bit more!


i thought you were 21 anyway lesley? ;)

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