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buying new hen tomorrow - help me decide!

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im adding another addition tomorrow (going to the Devonshire Breeds Trust - http://www.dtbcentre.co.uk/index.htm).


im undecided, narrowed it down to these breeds, im after a quiet, docile, heavy, placid chicken.












If anyone has any experience of owning these breeds I would be grateful of any comments. :)

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Chelsea, my Buff Orp is huge and refuses to go in the eglu, and can't make it up the stairs of the cube - she sleeps on the run floor :( . She's a big, friendly lump tho' :D , The 2 wee Buff Sussex are also very friendly - every time I put the washing basket down they come up and start pulling the undies out :lol: .

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Hi bangers,


Did you by any chance get your Sussex Comet from Garden poultry? We did and Gertie is as big as a turkey :D When she comes running for food (spinach is her favourite) its like being chased by a T Rex! I can hear the Jurrassic Park music now. She is quite timid but we think she has started laying today so hopefully she will calm down.

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I'd go Cochin and Brahma, not sure of space in your eglu for orpingtons? I have a pure breed 'retired' lady and a cross and a cobar (wernlas own cochin breed) they are big and lovely, Priscilla is the Brahma and is also lovely, honks and runs in a very entertaining way.


I have to say I adore all my girls so couldn't say one over the other really but we both wanted cochin/brahma for the presence in the garden and the fact they really are 'big hens', I feel like a real hen keeper now :lol::lol::lol::lol:


I love it when friends come and say "wow" I never thought we'd move to the heavies but it's great.


Good luck





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We have 4 Brahmas - only had them about 10 days so still new to this but they are fab :D:D

The lady who we got them from is a fan of the Brahmas - she swayed us away from an Orpington in fact! :D

She told us they are placid, friendly birds and brilliant when children are handling them.

So far they will take food from our hands - pretty good for saying they have had to get used to 1 particularly excited dog barking at them and they are turning into real characters :lol:



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