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Went to Garden Poultry....

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And came back with 2 new chooks :oops: They are so sweet though! Only 20 weeks but look tiney compared to our lot! We have only been keeping chickens for 3/4 weeks and already have 8 :oops: Well we didnt buy the cube for nothing.....

We decided on a Jasmin (blue egg layer) and Golden rocket. They are beautiful girls and are very cute! We have put them in the cube (under strict instructions by Mrs garden poultry) and will be coming out tomorrow (they have food and water in there) So i will post piccies tomorrow!!! Their names are Clover (Jasmine) and Nutmeg (Golden rocket)


Wish us luck with the introduction!


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Hi chicken o4


Just come back from Garden Poultry with two new chickens too and Amber Rocket who we have called Pearl and a Red Rocket we have called Rose. Ours are inside too at the moment, must admit just a little apprehensive about the introductions too. Lets hope it all goes smoothly. Good Luck!

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I've had to introduce my new ones a couple of days ago- the boss chicken from the first couple we got has been better today, but yesterday she was guarding the eglu and not letting them out, apart from when she wanted them too, but not too much pecking each other which is good. :D We have been letting the first chickens we got freerange so the others got some undisturbed time in the run!

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Well its all gone well, we opend the cube door to let our girls in and there was a bit of chattering but that was it. I looked through the eggport and the new girls where sleeping in the nesting box quite happily, "Ooops, word censored!"ody seemed botherd!

I'm prepared for feathers flying tomorrow though!!!



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Richard- I'm not 100% certain on the breed of our "golden rocket" the lady said Nutmeg is a golden rocket but they are supposed to be ginger and black but ours is ginger and white. I will post piccies tomorrow so you can see them. The name "rocket" is just what the people at Garden Poultry have called the breed, most hybrid breeders think of there own names for there breeds, so if you went to another place and saw a chicken identical to Nutmeg they might call her a "ranger" or a "rhode star" if you get what i mean!



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