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Guest Penguinmad

How can he still do this?

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Thank you all for your kind thoughts and good wishes. I'm still laughing about throwing on something skimpy - ask me again in 6 months after I've given up eating with lighterlife!


I did have a good day, they made me feel very valued there. Only bleak spot was that I tripped on a stair and landed on my right knee which is black and blue from where I did the exact same thing 8 days ago. Was in total agony by the time I left and am now reclined with an ice pack on it. Nearly went to A&E with it as I was at the hospital for a blood test but there was a 4 hour wait :x and I had to get home for James who oddly was back at school today.


I will post a picture of the hideous leg when I sort out my diet blog.

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Hi Peng..


Sorry to hear about your ex's stupidity, and clear malice.


Only a complete fool would tell his 'estranged' wife that he plans to marry again before you have divorced (financial suicide).


He is trying to hurt you to make himself feel good, a sure sign of a complete prat!!


I don't know both sides of the story, but don't bite and don't feel sad.


Get on with your life, keep your dignity and take no notice of his childish attempts to upset you!


Not all men are are like that by the way!


Hope your knee is better soon!



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Clash City Rocker you are a one, I ache all over today so lots of things need rubbing better - I'll have to settle for a spell in the hot tub though!


Thanks again all - Cooperman I'm the odd woman who was the earner in the marriage. I've already paid him off - I got a financial settlement last September so I'm damned now if I'll pay for a divorce. He also knows that he can't divorce me for another year as he has no grounds so will need to wait for 2 year seperation. I was advised I could divorce him on a fair number of grounds as he had put me through a couple of years of hell before I kicked him out and I had a lot of evidence to prove it - including a police caution he picked up after he hit me.


Still no more word for him, but I'll be out when he comes on Sunday.

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