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Kids eh...who'd have 'em?

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Have just had to rush down to Leicester and back......


Middle child (aged 21!) rang at 8.30 to say that he'd had a "bit of a fall" last night...tripped over a bicycle and was fairly sure he'd broken his collar bone...he'd felt it snap. Had gone to bed but had woken up at 5ish in agony. It was swollen and he couldn't move his arm without awful pain.


He went to A&E and sure enough the collar bone is broken. He was given pain killers and a sling and the cut on his head was steristripped.


He starts his LPC course tomorrow! :roll: Fortunately it is his right collar bone and he is left handed so he'll just have to get on with it.


He did admit that he might have had a couple of halves of shandy last night!


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Just a couple of halves of shandy?????? :wink:


Hope he feels better soon! The collar bone is a nightmare as its cant be plastered. Just a sling and rest is the best thing. My brother broke his after a night out (orange juice he swears, but i know different :wink: ) It took a good 6 weeks to get better.


All the best

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We were at A+E yesterday - DD2 has cracked a rib. :roll: She is in a lot of pain all the time. :( At least 6 weeks to heal.


How? She thought she'd give her sister (12) a piggy-back and tried to run! :roll::lol: They both fell over!

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lol! a couple of shandys!


I didnt think 21 yr olds drank shandy.


[im tee total anyhoo and have been since 18, too many cosmo's one night fell over and landed on a man in a less than compromising position. Didnt drnk again! LOL]


So yeh i am a bit out of touch with whos drinking what /


You are such a good mum though , to have driven all the way to Leister . bless you! [can you be my mum ;) ]


i hope he recovers soon. Arnica might be good for him.


Love l xxxx

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Yep....three hours sitting in a car hasn't helped.


The joys of motherhood! :roll:


Ginette I hope your daughter will be well enough to go to school. :lol:


Poor thing.


He was just kidding about the shandy fairy and cake. :lol: I didn't ask too many questions. Sometimes you are better not knowing.

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Well done you for going to him!


My Aunt was looking after her 2 grandkids this week and the little girl ended up with a broken arm - bad break needed pins or wires (not sure which). Fortunately for granny the arm was broken when the younger grandchild (known as "Sid the Sod") jumped on his sister!


These kids are both under school age.

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