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Who has won the cake competition!

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Has anyone looked at their newsletter, I was very impressed with myself as I got the picture of the cake I entered on the newsletter. Didn't win, but it's on the top right hand corner of the big block of pictures.


Didn't send them in, they mysteriously disappeared...


I've just thought of something though, wasn't there ment to be 3/5 runners up, there was only two when I looked.



yes special runners up prizes!! im special (i dont think it was comlementary tho when i was told that) and i entered 3 cakes!!! and like you they all are on the newsletter. :D:D:D


the winning cake was just like my red eglu aswell. cooooool cake.

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:shock::lol: It was huge .... made by a bakery in Macclesfield, so alot is now pre-sliced in the freezer, and Ben and Joe have just had some "warmed" in the microwave, with ice-cream. OH and I will have some thats in the fridge later .... after a take-away Chinese. :P .


Hopefully Granite, hob and dishwasher (sink etc) will all be finished by the middle of next week, till then more takeaways, paper plates .. and now, fudge cake 8):lol::lol::lol::lol: .

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