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Lost my new chook

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I bought 2 new chooks yesterday and now I've lost one. They are silkie bantam x. My black one laid an egg and now it's gone. I left it out and the 3 pekins went to bed. The other new bird Cocky Locky I put in the run. I couldn't catch George so I went upstairs to look after DD and asked DP to watch her and find out where she went to bed then I'd pick her up and put her to bed. Well he obviously didn't watch her because he didn't know where she went and now I c an't find her. :cry:


We have foxes visit our garden so I don't fancy her chances. :cry:


Only 3 hours ago I was doing the chicken dance.

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I really hope so.


I've been sat near the door all evening listening for foxes in the garden. I even sent my 6 dogs into the garden to look for her but they were more interested in the chooks in the Eglu. Looking on the bright side if the dogs didn't find her then the fox might not. Fingers crossed.

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It's surprising what height they can achieve if their wings are not clipped. My araucana crosses are slimmer, but as tall as the gingernuts. They often go past me at head height :shock:


when we brought home some new chooks a couple of weeks ago, one chook (whose had its wings clipped) flew on top of our caravan. :shock:


needless to say...we took it back.....much to flighty for my liking.


I like a quiet, docile, heavy bird....me. :roll:

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