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The Dogmother

Laptop broadband access sticks

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Sparked by Dan's thread, I got interested in the prices of mobile internet broadband access 'dongles'. But there's not much information to be found online at the moment.


I'd be interested to hear who has one, which provider they're with and what they think. The friend who fixed my home PC might be able to get me a vvv cheap laptop, which would be way better than freezing under the stairs of an evening.. I could sit in front of my stove and be all warm and snuggly while I type :D

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Yes I also have one of them too, but they are quite pricey to use*, so if you just want to use the net at home, get a router


*Also, the Data Cards (which is like a moblie that connects to you PC) are VERY VERY expensive, £120 from vodafone, and they charge £5 per megabyte you download

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Wireless internet is great - it means I can carry my laptop out in the garden & type all my stuff on the forum whilst watching the chooks! We also have a unit across the road & round the corner, where our business is & our wireless internet works there too!


Another way of getting internet on the go is to get an MDA. Ours are from T Mobile & are like mobile phones. Hubby's has a pull out keyboard, mine has a touch screen. We have web & walk on them & I can even get on the forum when on holiday & abroad! Very very good!


Wireless is the way to go! Certain pubs & restaurants have free Wifi where you can take your laptop & use the internet. Wetherspoons is free for the 1st half hour!



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Sorry, I should have explained further - it was late and I was tired.


Through this friend, I might be able to get a free wireless kit for home (surplus to requirements), and a cheap laptop, thus being able to work where I want at home. Being careful, of course to lock any wireless network down so that people can't piggy-back it. This would be great.


But I was reading up about mobile internet access dongles and thought that the idea of being able to use a laptop absolutely anywhere was appealing. So far as I can see it, the prices are tumbling so it could end up being cheaper than having the home internet access and using that instead with a wireless router to beam it round the house, and then take it out when necessary.


My mobile tarrif is with Vodafone and I had a quick look on their site last night, but couldn't see any reasonable deals there. My mobile contract is for very low usage because i hardly ever use it, so I don't think that they will be falling over themselves to do me a good deal.


Any feedback would be very welcome.

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Oh yes, more times that I care to recall :?

The whole village is a broadband blackspot as we are too far from the exchange, & as most of the villagers are older or live in rented houses they aren't bothered by the lack of Broadband :?


BT have told us in no uncertain terms that we will NEVER EVER get Broadband at our house.


Its hard to campaign on your own :?:roll::roll:

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Hmmm. Might have to give this a try too - :D


We are in the same position as Cinnamon - we phone up they say yes there is Broadband in your area - we install all the stuff they send us on the computer and wait .. and wait ..until they say no its not available and you are too far away from the junction box for it to be economically viable for you to have it :evil::evil:


I will show O/H this thread later - with broadband at work now we have realised just how slowww dail up is :(


Mind you mobile signals are a little tricky too.....



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Helen & Lee, I will let you know how I get on.

At the moment they are out of stock of the moden thingys, so we have one being delivered on the 2nd of october.

There aren't any in the 3 shops either :roll:


Mobile signals can be tricky too, but fingers crossed we should be OK, as the mast is only a little way from us.


That said,The Hubby has just told me that 3 offered him a free mobile a year or so ago,saying that there was good coverage here & it didn't work at all.


Ho hum - we shall have to wait & see I guess :?

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Hasn't one man banned got a mobile connection he used on holiday to access the forum :? Might be worth a PM.


He has Choccy, that's what started me off on this quest.


I am hoping that my friend can set me up with a wireless network at home any way as he has a router going free. He should also be able to get me a very cheap laptop, which was what started me on this. The dongle isn't essential if I have a wireless network at home, but it would be the icing on the cake.

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Ok I'll add my 5 pence worth


I use T-Mobile for internet access when we're away, I'm using it now as we drive to Cornwall. Its a data card that slots into the side of the laptop (well my old laptop as its a PCMCIA card and the new ones got a smaller socket :roll:)


It costs £29 per month on a contract but access is unlimited so it doesn't matter how long I spend online I dont worry about the costs afterwards also you don't have to pay for the Card, or the USB modem.


They also offer access via a USB modem, ClareT [i doubt it possible to beam this round the house through a router as it connects to the laptop directly so it'll work anywhere in the house (signal dependant) like using a mobile phone]


As for signal strength with T-Mobile check out this link and it lets you know if there is coverage in your area. http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/services/coverage/street-check/ could be useful for Cinnamon too.


Hope this helps, let me know if you want me to look anything up.




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That's interesting Andrew, thanks. I'll go and have a look at the T Mobile site and see what they have. I'd need to get this laptop from Simon first, then worry about a dongle, but this is very interesting and would be great when we go to Norfolk, although I'm sure that Phil wouldn't appreciate me being logged on while we're away :roll:


I reckon that if I sit tight for a while, then the prices will tumble.

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