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Can any of you knowledgable people help me?


I have found a lovely, rundown, almost certain unoccupied farmhouse which I have fallen in love with. :roll::D


Does anyone know how I go about finding who owns this property?


Seen this house many times and I have never seen any signs of life there, lights on at night etc.


A friend who lives close by has said that an elderly lady lived there a while ago but has now moved out. Friend also thinks that the property is a listed building due to the fact that it was built on an old road(now gone) which soliders used to walk to the battle of Culloden. Apparently there are a number of musket shot or balls embedded into the outside of the house walls. :shock:


We took a drive out to it on Friday for a nose but chickened out when we reached the dirt track lane leading to the house. :roll:


Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.



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Hi Ali it sounds great I love restoring properties and am in the middle of renovating a 1930's semi at the moment.


To find out who owns the property, you can use the internet not sure of the site address but do a search for HM Land registry, then you need the address of the property which you type in and it will give you the owners name it costs £2 to do but could be worth it......Good luck hope this helps.

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:o Ali, I just hope this is a topic that will run and run, as you tell the story of tracing the owner, buying the house, & ending of course with your moving in, and living there happily ever after.

Good luck in following your dream, I'm sure it will work out if this house is meant for you. :P:wink:

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An update on my search for the owner of the cottage.


I tried the land registry search, but didn't have enough details on the property.... postcodes and exact village location.


Just asking around did the trick though :D


The property belongs to a large agricultural estate and the owners are Sir and Lady Blah Blah ( don't want to post names at this stage). Even got the name of their Solicitor :shock: So the next step is contact the Solicitor on Monday to see how the land lies regarding our possible purchase of the cottage. (also got the phone number of the owners, but not sure if I should contact them direct :? )


Took another trip to the cottage today and this time we drove up the lane to the cottage. The cottage is very rundown and definately not occupied. All the downstairs windows have been boarded up. Obvious signs of vandalism... broken glass and window frames ripped out :shock: Three extensions complete with corrugated tin roofs (OH says he would be able to roof them properly).

We were not sure how much garden/land was with the property as the boundaries were a bit vague. The garden is very overgrown but there were snowdrops everywhere. It was so pretty. We found a shed that had once been a Chicken coop :D


I am not sure how to approach the Solicitor on Monday so any advice would be appreciated.


I am just hoping that if I show an interest in the property the owners do not put it on the open market. They may not want to sell at all, but if I don't try then I may regret it for not trying in years to come.

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Well worth letting them know of your interest. They may be reluctant to sell but a long lease may be possible so the estate would not lose the rights long term (say 150 years) but you could do what you like to it. This should also be cheaper than purchasing. It would be in the estates interest as renovation would increase the land value.

Post some pictures for us to jealously moan over :?

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We really want to buy rather than rent. Stepping off the property ladder is a big risk.


Definately needs lots of work doing to it. OH thinks that you would need to live in a static caravan whilst the work is being done.


It is such a shame that someone could let a beautiful house fall into a dreadful state.


Did think about taking a few pictures but we were trespassing today :oops: so I left the camera at home.

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Unless I'm being naive I would tell the truth to the solicitor-that you saw it, it looks unoccupied, got their details, and you were wondering if the owner would be interested in selling the property as you are looking for that type of property.

You can't control what they do with their property, if it happens it happens, don't be too disappointed if it goes wrong. :D

If you go to their solicitor first you may be able to find out the situation first, and look like you are serious. They then may then give you the owner's details(!) and you could more legitimately phone up without cold calling.

Maybe someone else manages the estate on the owner's behalf. If so, you could find out who and phone them.


Chicken coop of course :D v exciting this. Good luck. :D

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Took another trip to the cottage today and this time we drove up the lane to the cottage. The cottage is very rundown and definately not occupied. All the downstairs windows have been boarded up. Obvious signs of vandalism... broken glass and window frames ripped out :shock: Three extensions complete with corrugated tin roofs (OH says he would be able to roof them properly).


It sounds like our cottage when we first found it 15 years ago.

No electricity,water or as, no indoor plimbing or toilet :?

But we fell in love with it all the same!

At the time it was under offer (by Leslie grantham - Dirty Den!) but he dropped out & we stepped in.


15 years,much money & work later it is the home we always thought we would want to bring our children up in & has quadrupled in value :D


Best of luck to you Ali, I really hope it all works out :D

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Good Luck Ali.


The soicitor should be able to put you in touch with the Estate Manager.


We're in a similar position at the moment (detailed in another thread) and it looks like Monday will be a big day for both of us :?


My tag on another forum is "If you're going to have regrets, regret the things you've done and not the things you haven't" - a message for both of us?

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Good luck in your endeavours for this property,perhaps it was meant to be!

With fate,karma or whatever you want to call it then it might just be for you?

Things are working out like that for us at the moment (fingers crossed and every possible angel,spirit,person etc helping it on its way) :roll:


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:cry::( The cottage has been sold :(

Feeling a little sad that it was not to us.

However it has been sold to Historic Scotland who will be renovating it to its former glory :D

At least it was not some developer who might have modernised it.

So the search will continue. OH has found a charming little whitewashed place. Now we are a family of 4 and the property has one bedroom :shock: It does come with a field :D

Off to see its potential on Saturday :D

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