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Pekin Bantams can you sex my chicks? Rooster or Hen?

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We hatched 4 beautiful chicks! They are 20 days old. We think

Nando’s is Black Pekin Bantam 

Minnie is Black Mottled Pekin Bantam 

Nugget is Lavender Pekin Bantam 

Dipper is Lavender Pekin Bantam 

Are we right? And do you think any of them are roosters? Or Do we need to wait few more weeks to find out?  😊

Thank you so much 😊 






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Thank you so much 😊 

We think Minnie is the rooster as you said but she doesn’t behave like one 🤦‍♀️ She (he🤣) is so relax, calm and like to do things on her own 🤦‍♀️😊 her wattles are already showing 🤦‍♀️ They only chick that slightly behave like a rooster is Nugget 😊 but not always 🥰 

Do you think Nugget and Dipper are the same breed? And what about Minnie and Nando’s? 


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Funny that you said that 🥰

Minnie and Nugget hatched at the same time. Minnie few seconds earlier 🥰  Nando’s 6 hours and 40 minutes earlier. Dipper 6 hours and 20 minutes later 🥰  so Nugget was 3rd in line 🥰

and yes I spent the whole night watching them hatch 🐣🤦‍♀️🤣 that’s why I know the exact times 🤣🤦‍♀️  I think I’m a bit obsessed with them 🤦‍♀️🤣 
Nugget is the heaviest one and then Minnie, Dipper and Nando’s. When they were born Minnie was the smallest 🥰🤦‍♀️ Definitely not any more 🤣 

Nando’s and Minnie look like they are both Black mottled pekin Bantam. But when I bought the eggs Nando’s supposed to be Black Pekin 🤦‍♀️
What do you think? 🥰  are the same? 🥰






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