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First Leaves of Autumn

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The neighbours now think I am officially mad! Went out in the street and collected several buckets of leaves from under the trees across the road.



Chucked in a couple of handfuls of dried mealworms and they quickly turned it into this:



Cue some very happy chickens!


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What a good idea :D hope you don't mind if I borrow it, and put all the leaves from our trees in with the girls, so they can turn them into compost :D


karen x


Wasn't my idea Karen - I pinched the idea from here last year! I was a bit late with it last year so didn't get many leaves (didn't get the girls until November) so when I saw the leaves dropping and it's been such a glorious day, I took advantage - and took loads of pics! Both chickens and children have gone to bed worn out and happy! 8)

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