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Urinary infection

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No, I didn't mean you Snowy :lol::lol:


I've had recurrent cystitis since I was 14 - years ago! I've always known about the wee and wash bit, it was brought to the fore by Angela somebody (Kilmartin?) in the 70's.


It's just that my GP routinely hands me the leaflet - it saves her having to think too hard I think :roll: She must think I've learned nothing in the last nearly 40 years! :roll:

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Phew, that's a relief!

Very apt phrase :lol:


I have drunk cooking bicarb mixed with water before (found something on the instructions once about medicinial use), and found it the best thing, or if there are any starting twinges going straight for the cranberry juice helps.

I went through a phase of mainly the other common infection, and urinary once/twice, had antibiotics a few times, and ended up being referred to the GU clinic and felt so embarrassed going there as it was like I had been doing risky things. They told me to wash in aqueous cream, and use non-biological powder as they never really found a cause.

I've heard shampoo can sometimes affect things even if you change shower gel. Tight clothes/man-made fabrics can be bad too. Monthly hormones can trigger the other infection too.

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We need to look at this positively and pass the information onto our daughters. I grew up with a very repressed roman catholic mother, who refused to discuss 'matters marital' and anything else potentially embarrassing. I've been determined to raise Rosie differently; she knows to:


Wash 'down there' only using water

Not sit in a bath and wash her hair

Wear non-synthetic underwear

Spend a penny regularly

Wipe front to back and where possible, wash after a bowel motion.

(When she is bigger, she will learn about weeing after sex and rinsing with water).


Let's pass our wisdom on so that a new generation of women won't suffer needlessly. There are, of course physiological reason for some infections - these need to be treated and investigated.


Angela Kilmartin's book is excellent and contains sound advice.

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A couple of things that I didn't notice being mentioned was using pearl barley, in drinks, soup, other food and the doctor/nurse recommended natural plain live yoghurt in the area. I can't remember if there was even more effect if you also eat it. Did anyone mention Him washing before any cosy chats, if that is a cause of problems?


I used to have regular infections, each month. The cheaper sanitory products are out now and as I find it difficult to remember which of the more expensive ones seemed to coincide with the infections, I have tried to only use the washable ones (purchased from Twinkle Twinkle - http://www.twinkleontheweb.co.uk). That appears to have co-incided with the infection clearing up and not returning! One expensive brand of toilet paper also seemed to cause me a problem, so it isn't just the "honeymooners disease". As for some of the other things we are supposed to do, I still like to use bubble-bath, or shower-gel/body-wash when away ...


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You have my sympathy... Used to suffer with them almost constantly.


Things that worked for me included having a stent (sp?) fitted, swapping to mooncup and taking cranberry supplements every day for 6 months. Been clear (fingers crossed) for about 18 months now... OH has just read this and says that it sounds like a had a problem slightly more serious than UI - just shows that he's never suffered really, doesn't it?! :roll::lol:

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The Mooncup has the same advantages as the Lunapads (washable pads), assuming that sanitory protection is causing problems. There is a thread somewhere else relating to Mooncup for anyone who might be interested in knowing more about non-disposable protection.


I sometimes wonder about whether or not the cleanliness of public conveniences is also a contributing factor?


Hopefully the infections will soon be cleared up, with or without the doctor's help and I hope you will be able to find out the cause. Its so miserable, uncomfortable and embarrassing to suffer in such a way.

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