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Who has snow?!


We haven't :(


We had drizzle last night and a very hard frost overnight so the paths are treacherous and I'm now housebound until the sun comes out :(


Carl has looked after the girls the last two days and I was looking forward to seeing them this morning :roll:


Enjoy your snow and hope people haven't got too much travelling to do.

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An inch in Great Bookham? We've had a few flurries and there may be 1 or 2 millimetres on the ground! We're not that far away from Bookham, but we're going to Dorking after lunch so maybe there's more there.



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We spent Christmas in Chatham, which is maybe 15 miles from here, not much more. It started snowing there last night and we woke to quite heavy snow this morning, and driving home felt fairly hazardous as the snow was falling very heavily and visibility was dreadful. Children in the back were so excited, planning snowball fights and texting their mates to get them to join in. Mates were quite clearly baffled from the replies that they sent back, and on arrival home it was clear to see why- no sign at all of snow anywhere, bitterly cold but NO SNOW :(:(:(

Children are disappointed, and so am I too, I'd planned a snowy trudge in the woods this afternoon, to walk off some of the last few days surfeit of food, not as much fun in the mud though :(

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It's cold and dark out there, but I currently have a 12 yr old in the middle of the back lawn, dancing and shrieking "It's snowing" :roll::roll::roll:

I'm worried that she'll disturb the chickens :shock:

The snow isn't very impressive, just a few flakes, but she has high hopes of 6ft drifts and toboganning in the morning 8):):):):)

We'll just have to see what the morning brings.

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