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best itunes downloads

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Hi everyone!


I got a new 8G ipod 5th Generation nano from some of my birthday money & it is amazing! I'm very impressed.

I've downloaded Phil Collins live video version of In the Air tonight - it's wonderful - love the drumming, but there is a dodgy band member who looks like a wizard (very long beard). I can also recommend the Rihanna shut up & drive too. Downloaded all the Mika & Housiers album - was going to buy the cd's before I got the ipod & I haven't stopped listening to both since! They're great!


Anybody else recommend any good downloads from itunes?



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Duh! That's what I meant! Yes that is the exact one - I have green! 8)


I'm really frustrated though as I bought the 2 sims games - bowling & pool. They are in my itunes games library, but I have no idea how to get them onto my ipod - I can't drag & drop them & I've looked & they aren't in my extras >>>games on my ipod! Ugh frustrating!


Please help



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try this


connect your ipod to your computer in the normal way.

let itunes update until it says "ok to disconnect" DON'T DISCONNECT"

click on the games tab

click on "sync games"

click on "all games"




disconnect ipod, then connect again in the normal way.


Have a look at "Happy Tree Friends" in podcasts very funny


"Tetris" in the games very addictive

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