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Guest LizC

Pink Eglu

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Lesley, glad you Carl, Beryl and Rita got home safely. Maia took quite a while to stop crying, Ellis bravely hid hers, and I shed mine :cry: whilst washing my (pink) wellies! I am happy knowing that they will be living splendidly in Eglu Towers! So THANKYOU Lesley for rehoming the girls, and THANKYOU everyone else for your kind words and thoughts.

I will stay in touch while still in the UK via this forum, don't know why on earth I didn't do it sooner, and when we get settled, will post pictures of future hens. Do they send Eglu's to NZ? May be a business opportunity is lurking for my husband...! :idea:

Thanks again, Liz, Neil, Ellis, Maia and Scarlett (With empty garden :( )

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Mmmmm, porridge!


Haven't Beryl and Rita got amazing markings? I wasn't expecting a GNR to look like that. The man who delivered told Liz she was quite unusual.


Liz's choice of names were Hermione and Persephone - I'm very tempted - but I think Beryl and Rita sounds just right. Still thinking about it :?


The two top hens - Beryl and Tallulah have had a stand-off this morning, through the wire netting. It only took them about 5 mins of walking and looking and 'bok bok bokking' to sort out that each was a top hen. Tallulah has always been our biggest hen but Beryl is a good match

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They are really lovely Lesley, and so unusual too. I hope that they fit in well and that the bokking is soon sorted out :roll:


What a lovely happy ending to a sad story. Liz, I hope that you continue to keeep in touch via the forum, and that your new life is as fab as it sounds :D Isn't htis forum fab; where else would you be able to have your hens adopted so satisfactorily and still be able to see them regularly from thousands of miles away?

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